Terrorism case: JAMRA welcomes the release of Imam Ndao and demands that he be compensated!


XALIMANEWS: Imam Ndao has been released this Thursday after several years of detention to the surprise of Senegalese. Indeed, incarcerated since 2015 and with charges, this pious Imam and Qur'anic master, was finally released and cleared of all suspicion. Many organizations have thus magnified this act of Senegalese justice. Ong JAMRA is one of them and also asks the compensation of the Imam saw all the charges that weighed on him and also the duration of his incarceration.
Here is in extenso the contents of the message of the NGO JAMRA that you are asked to read:

The charges against Imam Alioune Badara Ndao seem to have collapsed like a house of cards! Which charges could be classified into two categories. After being the first Senegalese Islamic organization (in addition to the League of Imams and Preachers, to which belongs Imam Ndao) to have blasted the indecent and outrageous conditions of his arrest, JAMRA believes that the second round of the fight for rehabilitation Imam Ndao could not be less than a requirement to compensate for the enormous prejudice suffered after two years and nine months of detention, which had shocked more than one.
Was it the result of chance or deliberately made the case Imam Ndao's judiciary had been curiously "mixed" with other "cases", which had not failed to thrill more than one observer of the judicial machinery. But, thanks to God, out of the 30 or so suspects interviewed, during this marathon trial, only four admitted having had to talk to the "suspect-starter". And that it was the pleasant surprise of all the admirers of Imam Ndao to hear his co-defendants confess publicly that if they did not join such a jihadist movement, it is because it is well Imam Ndao The second category of charges related to alleged connections with the Nigerian sect, Boko Haram. How can we feed the slightest hint of connivance of this great modern scholar, who has offered 10 000 m2 of land to the Senegalese state for the needs of building a school in the district of Ngane-Extension, in Kaolack, with this Nigerian Islamo-fanatic sect which precisely fights the Western School, which it declared openly of "haraam" (illicit)?
The hopes that JAMRA and MBAÑ GACCE nourished as for the favorable outcome of the trial were of as much more founded than among the judges whom Fate has desired that the future of Imam Ndao be decided in their mortal hands are a learned magistrate of the Koran, who often even has to direct the prayer in his district; and another judge, who is also a prominent member of the Catholic Church. Imam Alioune Badara Ndao, a religious leader judged by his peers, believers in addition, there was no reason to despair that the law, in all its splendor, could be said.
JAMRA and MBAÑ GACCE, after lambasting , as of October 29, 2015, his arrest, therefore considers that the acquittal of Imam Ndao is above all a victory of Justice; a triumph of Democracy and the Rule of Law! And the logic would be that after being innocent, this eminent Qur'anic master doubled with a large agricultural contractor be compensated for the moral and economic damage suffered during nearly three long years of detention.
JAMRA and MBAÑ GACCE pay tribute to the judges of the Special Chamber ruling on criminal matters who bravely and valiantly rose to the challenge of doing no less than their American counterparts; who bravely ravaged the Guantanamo concentration camp, which was teeming with victims of the CIA and FBI's zeal, freeing brave martyrs from the crime of facies and the disastrous injustice of men!

Dakar , 19 July 2018,
The Executive Offices
of JAMRA & Mbañ Gacce

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