Tesla has been close to bankruptcy because of the production problems of Model 3


elon musk hero

As part of a program broadcast on HBO, Elon Musk, the boss of You're here, spoke about the great financial difficulties in which the company was bogged down in 2018. So much so that the firm did indeed close the key under the door.

Elon Musk decided to play the card of transparency: during an interview for the TV show Axios, broadcast on the American channel HBO, Elon Musk, at the controls of Tesla, dwelt on the various difficulties encountered during the year 2018. And in particular those of his Tesla Model 3, whose production for the least chaotic during the months of April and May could have been fatal for the group.

" The company was losing a lot of money "

Because the Californian firm did indeed almost put the key under the door, by the admission of the person concerned. " Tesla was threatened with closure because of the Model 3 production line. The company was losing a lot of money and if we had not solved these problems quickly, we would be dead. It was extremely difficult He said to his two interlocutors. So much so that the American group had only a reprieve of a few weeks to go up the slope. Otherwise, the adventure stopped there.

At the time, Elon Musk had invested 200% to try to turn things around, working up to 100 hours a week. " It damages the heart and the brain ", He says, as if this period had resulted in sequels on the contractor.

A positive end of year

Since then, the company from across the Atlantic has a much better mine: in California, sales have jumped 400% in the space of a year, while France should see the arrival of Model 3 during the year 2019 – a tour is currently taking place all over France. Only downside: his tweet too much, which made him lose his seat of president, but not his status of director of operations.

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