The African Development Bank reaffirms its commitment with the Sahel Alliance


(AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK) – A major delegation of the Coordination Unit of the Sahel Alliance (UCA) began Wednesday, July 18, 2018, a two-day working visit to the premises of the African Development Bank. development in Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire. The Sahel Alliance, a partnership launched in July 2017 in Paris by several donors, aims to achieve faster development results in the G5 Sahel countries: Burkina Faso, Mali, Mauritania, Niger and Chad.

in the operational phase, this partnership platform requires that the dialogue intensifies so that the actors involved in the implementation make the best use of the objectives. The African Development Bank engages and maintains a constructive and constant exchange with its partners in the Sahel Alliance to promote the development of synergies for the benefit of operations in the G5 Sahel states.

Composed of Jean-Marc Gravellini and Margaux Lombard, the Sahel Alliance's mission includes talks with African Development Bank Senior Vice President Charles Boamah (photo), the Vice President for Regional Development, Regional Integration and service delivery, Khaled Sherif, vice president of energy, climate and green growth, Amadou Hott, vice-president of agriculture and human and social development, Jennifer Blanke, and that the Director of the Coordinating Office of States in Transition (RDTS), Sibry Tapsoba.

UCA representatives will also take part in a round table dedicated to x the challenges of the Sahel Alliance, in its mode of operation, then an analysis of the Alliance's portfolio in order to achieve a better understanding of the accountability parameters of the development partners and the G5 Sahel countries.

Sessions are scheduled for Thursday 19 July 2018 with the Administrator of the African Development Bank for Belgium, France, and Spain, Dominique Lebastard, and his counterpart for Germany, Luxembourg, Portugal and Switzerland, Catherine Cudré-Mauroux

" It is with great pleasure that we welcome the mission of the UCA today. This visit will allow us to make a point of step on the road traveled, but also to consider together the prospects of this partnership. I am sure that our exchanges will lead to fruitful results "said Sibry Tapsoba, director of the African Development Bank's State Coordination Office for Transition (RDTS).

Several aspects related to fragility, vulnerability and resilience such as agricultural development and food security, the role of gender in the implementation of the Alliance, youth employment and basic services, such as water and electricity, will be discussed during exchanges between the UCA delegation and the Bank.

A portfolio of six billion euros

In addition to the Coordinating Office for States in Transition (RDTS) ), the mission includes bilateral discussions with members of the Gender, Women and Civil Society Department (AHGC), the Resource Mobilization Department (FIRM) and the Human Capital Department of Youth and Skills Development (AHHD)

The Bank is conducting under its specific program in favor of the States in transition operations in Mali, Niger and Chad, three of the five G5 Sahel member states. It also implements its regular programs for the benefit of its regional member countries in Burkina Faso and Mauritania, the other two G5 Sahel member countries that do not fall into the category of transition states. " In the Sahel, the challenge of our interventions is to be closer to the populations at the bottom of the scale by providing, in particular, basic essential services such as water and electricity. For the Bank, it is important that communities living in already difficult areas are not further weakened. That's why we help them build their resilience "added Sibry Tapsoba.

Access for the poorest and most vulnerable communities to basic services is a sine qua non for strengthening resilience in G5 Sahel

Alliance Sahel is a partnership platform launched in 2017 in Paris by Germany, France and the European Union, with the support of the African Development Bank and the World Bank. The partnership, which then registered the accession of Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom, aims at building synergies of action among development partners in order to accelerate the results of interventions for the benefit of the Member States. G5 Sahel

The current portfolio of the Alliance represents nearly € 6 billion in youth employment and education, rural development, agriculture and food security, energy and education. Climate, Decentralization and Basic Services, and Governance and Homeland Security

About the African Development Bank Group

The African Development Bank Group (AfDB) is the first multilateral financing institution dedicated to Africa's development. It comprises three separate entities: the African Development Bank (ADB), the African Development Fund (ADF) and the Nigeria Trust Fund (NTF). The AfDB is present in the field in 44 African countries, with an external office in Japan, and contributes to the economic development and social progress of its 54 regional member states.

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