The assassin of Amy Collé Ba arrested by the Mboro Gendarmerie


Something new in the case of the murder of Amy Collé Ba: After 4 days on the run, the alleged murderer of the shopkeeper was arrested by the police of the Mboro Brigade. And the man did not go out of his way to recognize the facts.

It took 48 hours for the police of the Mboro Brigade and an arduous work of intelligence, cross-checking and transportation on the scene to the light on the mystery surrounding the murder of Amy Collé Ba; this mother of 6 children invited to visit a lemon field from where she never came out alive.

According to Kewoulo's reporters on the spot, the excessive presence of the gendarmes, yesterday, in the streets of Mboro hiding, in fact, a security deployment to strengthen the brigade's strength in the event that the people, having learned of the arrest of the alleged murderer, decide to go to the brigade to seek justice, as the had publicly declared the Mboro youth.

Because without fanfare, as the people spied on the corner of the eye to detect in the eyes of the neighbor the deceptive sign of his guilt or his involvement in the murder of this well-known bana-bana the men of Chief Warrant Officer Gora Diagne had already arrested their suspect. " It is thanks to the information obtained during the hearing of the first kept in sight that the portrait and the name of the alleged murderer came out ", blew judicial sources in Kewoulo. And while two suspects were already in custody, it was on Tuesday in the evening that the alleged perpetrator was picked at his home in Mboro.

Like the police, he was working in the lemon field where the body was discovered. Aged about twenty years, he was one of two employees of this field to have been absent at the time of the intervention of the gendarmes on Monday. Led to the Mboro gendarmerie unit, the man quickly confessed. According to the first information obtained by Kewoulo, he acted alone. According to some morbid indiscretions, it was with a pickaxe that he attacked the lady with whom he had an altercation.

Injured severely, Amy Collé Bâ, aged 56, died as a result of these physical traumas. Panicking, the author of the mortal blows had immediately buried his victim out of sight. Unfortunately, for him, he had badly buried him. And it's the smell of putrefaction from the badly buried body that has allowed parents to come looking for it to discover where the body is hidden. Unknown to the gendarmes' honor rolls, the alleged murderer of Amy Collé Bâ is a first-time delinquent who risks life imprisonment.

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