The authors of leaked bac in Senegal



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Senegalese justice sentences up to 5 years of leakage to the baccalaureate in 2017

Senegalese justice sentences offenders up to the age of 5 to the baccalaureate degree in 2017.

Among the culprits there is a headmaster, teachers and students.

42 defendants were at the helm. [19659007] They were judged in particular for criminal conspiracy, fraud, fraudulent obtaining of undue material advantages after leaks during the baccalaureate in July 2017.

These leaks had caused the cancellation of tests of French and history- geography following the diffusion of the subjects on the social networks, in particular the messaging Whats App.

To read also: Senegal: the test of French of the canceled tank

The most Heavy sentence was pronounced against a headmaster who was sentenced to five years in prison and a fine of 500,000 FCFA

He was convicted of criminal conspiracy and fraud in examinations and competitions.

in Dakar receives a two-year fine, a fine of 18 million in addition to a confiscation of his property, according to an advocate of defendants.

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Other sentences handed down, in particular against pupils and another teacher, range from two months suspended to one year. A student was released

Aboubacry Barro, member of the pool of lawyers of the defendants:

"It is a wise decision in the measure or in this file there is a person who was released and others, namely pupils and a teacher, received sentences ranging from 2 months suspended until one year, while this one-year sentence covers the time of their pre-trial detention. which means that these people are free.There are only 2 people who have been sentenced to 2 years to 5 years respectively, namely a high school teacher and a principal …. maybe attorneys may appeal and try to reduce the sentence. "

See also: Benin: He graduates at the age of 11

Saourou Sene, SG of the autonomous union of Middle and Secondary Education in Senegal Welcomes the Verdict

"The Year Last year we were shocked by the magnitude of the frauds noted at the level of the baccalaureate Senegalese and we asked the Senegalese State to use all its weight so that we can locate the responsibilities. I believe that the verdict that justice has come to propose is an exemplary verdict commensurate with the affront. And therefore we salute him. Hoping that this verdict should serve as a lesson to all those who would be tempted to sabotage or scuttle the Senegalese ferry ".

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