the bissap juice more and more trendy –


Consumed mainly in West Africa, bissap juice is enjoying growing success in France, where it is marketed by a multitude of entrepreneurs.

This is a refreshment on which it is difficult to ignore. In Senegal, Guinea, Mali, Burkina Faso, Benin and Côte d'Ivoire, bissap juice is used as a national drink. This infusion of red hibiscus flowers, high in vitamin C and trace elements, have many virtues: anti-aging properties, analgesic, anti-cholesterol, remedy for high blood pressure, digestive disorders, etc.

Since November 2017, the head of Ibou Diatta company sells in several outlets in France and on the island of Reunion, under its own brand, Balante, the name of his company located near Lyon (south -east of France). He works with women's cooperatives in Sine Saloum, Senegal, who provide him with hibiscus flowers. These are then processed in a Senegalese factory before returning to France by plane.

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