The black anger of the Senegalese after the new measures to go to the island of Goree


A communiqué issued by the Dakar-Gorée Maritime Liaison, dated July 12 and made public this week, has created an outcry on social networks and has been at the heart of the debate for 48 hours. This advertisement is issued for "reasons of safety and hygiene of visitors to the island of Goree."

"The presentation of an identity document for access to the boat; the transport of gas cylinders can be done only from 18 h 30; and the prohibition of the transport of prepared meals " are the great points of these new measures to go on the island of Gorée.

For this purpose, continues the note, the association of the restaurateurs of the The island of Gorée, however, announces all the equipment needed to prepare tea and offers meals at a preferential rate of 1000 F: a sandwich, a fruit and a juice, or a dish over water. [19659004Ontherestaurateurs'sideitisspecifiedthatthisistopreventtheboatfrombeingencumberedbyallthesekitchenutensilsduringthecrossingMorebowlsmorepotsetc
Question of safety and hygiene? The question remains pending.

On the social networks, the comments are going well: "#coupdegueule After the fee of 500 FCFA mandatory to circulate on the island (which I find abject), now we are forced to eat locally in forbidding us to arrive on the island with our own food! Finally Goree is a principality or what? In this country there are Senegalese and Goreans?!?! What are they for whom? khana Gorée moom dafa nek equivalent Bali or Hawaii if bi-digested? And do not complain that the number of visitors on the island has dropped … you do not care about us in the end anyway! Imagine that Yoff decides to do the same on his beaches? " is outraged by Jaly Badiane on his facebook account.

Same story with SN Bëlëpp who regrets" bitterly "these new provisions.

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