THE BOOK OF STONE ATEPA GOUDIABY "Senegal-rek, together for a refoundation"


After "Dare, twelve proposals for an emerging Senegal" (L'Harmattan, 2012), the architect of international dimension comes back with another book. "Senegal-Rek, Together for a Refoundation" is not just an essay or a compilation of the author's passions, the book is a true social project. It takes the form of a profession of faith of a Senegalese who, at the peak of his art, wants to benefit his country from his genius, his recognized experience and expertise that is internationally renowned. In this text, Pierre Goudiaby Atepa speaks about all parts of society: the Army, Health, Economy, Education, but also his vision for Senegal. In short, this program book published by Continentales Editions which counts prestigious published in the image of Winnie Madikizela Mandela (My Part of Truth), Babacar Ndiaye (The Bad, Africa and Me), is an offer certainly in the state sketch since to be encrypted, refined and budgeted, but also it gives an accurate idea of ​​the dream of the author who could run for the next presidential election. The book will be presented today at the Esplanade of the Place du Souvenir in the presence of a thousand young people …


The book is the continuation of a daily body-to-body with life for the development of Senegal. In an earlier production *, I made proposals for an emerging Senegal. This book is a condense of a passion for my country born with fairies bent over its cradle. They gave us human resources worthy of the great nations on the intellectual, spiritual, human and even humanistic level. A country of less than 200,000 square kilometers, porous to all the breaths of our planet, has built a place in the world with less than 16 million women and men. He's the one who made me, who gave me everything, so I owe him everything. In particular, this new offer of service to go beyond my profession, my family, my personal success, in an attempt to make some of the "overflow" that I received.


This offer is in the sketch state and needs to be fine-tuned, costed and budgeted. A team of experts already approached and who will be enriched by other skills will do so. Why this new commitment to this level of my personal and professional life filled by the grace of God? No need to explain why we want to help his country. But I will suggest a few tracks. When I scream "Senegal", in my head tinkle the deeds and names of valiant knights who have shaped this land and whose duty it is our duty to prolong. I pledge to be their worthy heir by putting in place a government based on their culture of dignity, integrity, work, and virtue that is called, in current terms, good governance. Inspired by their journey, educated by our present and anticipating future challenges, we must flee corruption, impunity, inequality, waste, patronage, use of the state apparatus for personal purposes and this parasitism which is the antidote to efficiency and effectiveness. I pledge that this country does not continue to spin, that it professes economic democracy and the patriotism of the same name and that merit, efficiency, competence and professionalism become refounding myths. I go down into the arena that I have always kept at bay for the refoundation of a Republic where good governance, virtue, justice and integrity are synonymous, where these values ​​rhyme with honesty, refusal of corruption and concussion, where they invite the transcendence of regions, religions, ethnicities, sectarianism and social origins and other false particularisms. Senegal, our common boat, deserves our time, our talent, our experience and our skills, to give back all that it has always given us. Senegalese skills abound around the world. Sometimes we want to cry, "what a mess! Around the world, they are not counting anymore. A small example, the young Seck, the first African pilot of the Airbus A380, When we know the CV of some of those who lead us or influence state decisions, we are afraid for tomorrow. I will nevertheless relativize. Of those who lead us, some are good, very good at what they do. They are not legion. We will remember them because it is Together that we want to rule tomorrow for a winning transition, for Senegal which does not exclude any of its daughters and sons of goodwill and good character. Patriotism will be at the heart of this revolution of mentalities and behaviors that we call all our wishes. I'm ready. I'm sure you too are ready. We are all ready.


As far as my memories go, everything has been fighting in my life. Today I renew my commitment to the happiness of my compatriots by illuminating the arena and the horizon and making the debate enriching. Since my childhood, I have been immersed in a cultural and social atmosphere that has transmitted my virtues to me by leaving me the desire and the desire to serve the greatest number. These values ​​nourished by the sense of sharing have brought me into my professional life. Why invest another battlefield now? I pledge to continue the fight that I have always fought, that of the development of my country. My goal is to contribute to positively influencing the fate of a whole people to whom I owe everything, because it instilled in me the sense of honor, the taste for victory, the audacity to conquer the world without complexities and the determination to go further and further. Honesty, integrity, concordance between words and deeds create trust. It is with that of my collaborators, my partners and the sacrifices of my family, that I have succeeded in building the works that bear my imprint and which, by divine grace and the religion of work, have crossed the seas, lands and oceans. From the headquarters of the Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO) that I had the privilege of designing with my big brother Cheick Ngom, the satellite launch project in the West African sub-region in cooperation with the Chinese Aerospace Company and the electric car company, there is 43 years of distance, uninterrupted work day and night, braving the time zones and spanning the continents. Served with stubborn obstinacy, a child from Ziguinchor was able to carry out many projects in Africa, including the new city of Malabo II, Banjul International Airport, ranked among the top ten in the world, the Place de la Nation in N'Djamena , the seat of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) in Lome, the Thomas Sankara Tower in Pointe-Noire, the Wonders of Luanda (in progress). I have also opened offices on the Champs Elysees in Paris, Moscow, Beijing and India. Thus, a child of Ziguinchor went to the assault of the world and today has the unique chance to present his actions to his people and to the Senegalese youth to tell them that he puts himself at their service by proposing their experience of the world and its willingness to devote itself to the general interest. I commit myself to the conviction that there is no spontaneous success or individual happiness. It would be wrong to confuse what one gets with the sweat of one's brow with the easy gains of the politicians who sell our economies and whose relative success corresponds to the strangulation of our dear Senegal.

I pledge to interest Senegalese in their future, of which they must be the sovereign actors. My commitment is justified by the desire to renew manners and political practices with a more meaningful participation of citizens in the transformation of the political model. I also pledge to respond to the many calls of hundreds of thousands of our compatriots inside and outside the country who have placed their trust in my modest person for a citizen reappropriation of politics. I am committed to Senegal because we are of the lineage of those who never bowed. I am committed to Senegal because I owe it to the rising generations, to our children and our grandchildren and to our illustrious predecessors who have bequeathed us this blessed nation. I am committed to Senegal because the love inherited must be rendered a hundredfold and perpetuates. I am committed to Senegal because the experience must be passed on and the expertise taught. I am committed to Senegal because knowledge must be transformed into knowing how to be and know-how, even knowing how to live. I am committed to Senegal because the collapse of values ​​has led to the loss of ideals. I am committed to Senegal because some politicians who live only through and through politics no longer meet the expectations of our fellow citizens. I am committed to Senegal because we must fill too many disappointed legitimate ambitions and materialize too many abortive hopes. I am committed to Senegal because our towns and our countryside are populated by an army of women and men looking for a job that becomes a mirage and that many families are forced to tender the bowl to survive. I am committed to Senegal because I am anxious to gather in the peace and honor of the millions of women and men who make up this great nation. I am committed to Senegal because Senegal's vocation and destiny is to remain united, exemplary and prosperous. I pledge to finally spring hope and participate fully in building Our future Senegal, what do I say today, because tomorrow is already today.


I studied architecture, and thanks to the seriousness in the work, my works, it seems to me, are appreciated in Senegal and everywhere in Africa, mashallah, and I always tried to do honor to my country. For several years, I have been receiving calls to put my modest experience at the service of my country. I always hesitated. But the Senegalese youth had to remember that I had a duty to fulfill. Other layers of the population have reminded me that God does not proclaim man for him and for himself alone. It is true that without drumming or trumpeting, I have always had to tidy up and fight alongside those whose rights were violated. I offered myself as a mediator in various conflicts. Perhaps this is one of the reasons why I am asked for a commitment in the form of a national duty: to claim the highest office of the Republic. Faced with solicitations driven by heartfelt impulses of generosity, I could not continue to steal. The presidential function is not a sinecure. However, if my compatriots, sovereignly and democratically, open the way to this fate, I would assume it with the highest degree of national conscience and moral probity. I would surround myself as Senegalese and Senegalese who share the vision of a Suñugal to the extent of the human skills and natural resources which it overflows. In terms of human skills, our compatriots abroad do us honor. They are also among the brightest officials of international institutions. The same type of intelligence should be found in the management of national public affairs. This is unfortunately not the case, because "co-optation" is done here by partisan affinities. Together, we will put an end to this absurdity, because the conduct of a country, in this age of unbridled competition between nations, requires that competence and professionalism be erected as dogma. We will put an end to party camaraderie and patronage of all kinds. We will take into account all available skills, of whatever edge they are. We will go looking for them everywhere … including in the coalition coalition, because once again, there are some, even if they are not masses. And we will put the best in strategic positions. The Senegal of which we dream, to use the beautiful formula of my friend Me Adama Gueye, is indeed an inclusive Senegal, because we have lost enough time in useless quarrels, and sometimes, not to say often, low floor. It seems useful to me to share some of my thoughts with you. I think the Senegalese are tired of seeing people go into politics without this policy doing anything to make them happier. It is time for politics to serve the people and cease to be the place par excellence for the satisfaction of personal ambitions, spontaneous and illicit enrichment. How will the Senegalese citizen be able to trust the political class when this actor, whom he has rubbed shoulders with in the "fast cars", after a few years in the government, finds himself at the head of an impressive fleet of cars, if not a prodigious fortune? My transition to power will be the "upgrading" of political ethics. It will be to refound "the house Senegal". I will work with the skills but not with the political chapels. I will not stay more than five years. My term will be transition. My age will command me to retire, to encourage the involvement of the youngest, to supervise them and to leave them at the controls. The older generations must know how to pass the witness to the youngest. I will therefore remain the time to demonstrate to this political class to which I have never belonged, that we can do politics otherwise, beyond the hollow slogans and flashy formulas, far from the galleries we seek to amuse, because I remain convinced that the ultimate goal of politics is the promotion of common happiness. To do politics differently is to make it "IN-SEMBLE". I would like all of us to be involved in this great work of national recovery. Together, we will fight to succeed, meet current and future challenges, take risks, defend our national assets tooth and nail against the immoderate appetites of multinationals. This is the reason why together, we will reclaim the resources of our basement, as of the rest we will finally be able to do our dear coastline with my friends from the PERL (Platform for Enrichment and the reappropriation of the coastline). I believe in the intelligence of this beautiful land that is Senegal. All these human resources will produce value, create wealth by storing in drawers ideological differences, positioning struggles and selfishness of all kinds. It is Together and nothing but Ensemble, that we will overcome the adversities, the fear of the future without perspectives, and it is on the condition of being Together, that I decided to embark on the hard battle which awaits us. all together in February 2019.

YES, my dear compatriots, I AM READY.

I hope that you, too, are ready and that you make sure that your neighbors are ready and that they in turn make sure that their neighbors are ready so that together we can make this rainbow of Front of refusal that no one can stop: the third way.


Since the new rotation, our country has been experiencing a profound political malaise. This discomfort, the Senegalese express it more and more clearly in their disaffection with regard to the political, which puts in danger our democratic tradition and culture worn for more than half a century on the baptismal font by the founding fathers . After 40 years of socialist power, after 12 years of "sopism", with political leaders coming mainly from pre-independence generations, Senegal has had new actors since 2012 with the aim of changing paradigm to better face the challenges of the digital age. From Senghor to Wade via Diouf, Senegal has completed a trilogy of power whose roots drew their sap from the colonial period. The second alternation was dreamed of as a break with the past, after the revolution of June 2011. The awakening is painful after six years. During which the Senegalese saw their hopes shrink as a trickle. Hence the crisis of confidence. Hence the ambient sluggishness. Hence the disengagement of energies and moral disarmament. Together, we will react, so that this spiral does not make us leap back several decades. Together, we will react, that is to say, engage our responsibility towards the nation. Together, we will therefore react, that is to say, go down in the arena to create a new national impetus, which is acceptable to anyone, which appeals to all Senegalese, without distinction of social class, religion or religion. geographical or ethnic belonging. Together, we will react, because in the veins of all Senegalese flows a patriotic blood that calls for the awakening of consciences, the great leap forward, the salutary act. For 45 years, I have been serving the nation, through my job. That of building. That also to have a vision of the world, of our country, of the environment which saw us born, grow and work. Thanks to the bridge between civil society and political society, I made my modest contribution, sometimes officially, often informally, to the resolution of several social conflicts that have shaken our country and continue to shake it up. Thanks to this bridge, it will be necessary today to deeply invest the field of the political reflection. Because politics, because it impacts our everyday lives, because it is a vector of level propagation and lifestyle and therefore of civilization, is a social baobab under which should not sit alone those who profess to make politics. It is a very serious matter that it would be suicidal for our future to leave the hands of the professionals of politics. I am Senegalese, and I strongly claim the Senegalese civil society, not only with a right to look, but also with a duty to reflect and change the policies implemented and which we will be accountable tomorrow, politicians or not , in front of the story. I deeply love my country like all Senegalese who claim to have an uncompromising patriotism. They are, without a doubt, the overwhelming majority of our people. It is with them that I want to dream again of a Senegal which will rejoice the manes of the ancestors. I want to share with them a vision of the future, put in place tools for reflection, action and management. I want to rearm hearts, remobilize minds. I want the Senegalese to feel good about themselves, to write their present and their future with words of hope that shine like the new moon. I want, together, to rebuild, stone by stone, the edifice of national pride so much subjected to harsh trials. We will, together, rebuild the nation. That's why I want to federate the energies, starting myself by re-rolling the sleeves. There is only a fatality that is imposed. We will not impose any. I want us to move in tight ranks, that we do not succumb to the trap of sterile debates and intellectual gestures that slow down the march. That's my challenge. This is my new fight, the one that Together will lead us. That of "to restore the blazon" of Senegal, our country. I will not succeed without the synergy of all the forces gathered in a single crucible, that of the Senegalese nation. We will succeed Together, with the clear awareness that there are new horizons to be reached, and that for that we will have walls to cut down and fortresses to conquer. We will succeed together by being vigilant, because the enemies of progress for all are legion. They do not believe in the common happiness that any human society needs to promote in search of peace and prosperity. We will succeed together by believing in our common destiny, believing in our destiny Senegalese. This awakening that Senegalese people expect and hope from all sides, is now concretized by the "Senegal-Rek" movement. Its mission is to rebuild the Republic, to promote the emergence of a new type of Senegalese, with shared values ​​that are rooted in our culture, in our education, in ethics and universal ethics. That's what I tried to explain in this book. It is open, and to new inputs, and suggestions, and criticism. In the soul, I am a democrat. Pages still have to be written. Those who want to contribute are welcome. The work must be common to resist time and all forms of oppression. I started this book by saying that I was ready. It is with you that I am, because it is together we will meet the ultimate challenge, that of putting Senegal back up! And for that, as a priesthood, I am ready to offer my country what remains of my active life.

This is the meaning of my commitment.

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