the BRVM builds the capacity of negotiators –


On the initiative of the Regional Stock Exchange (BRVM), a training workshop for capital market managers and negotiators of management companies and intermediation (SGI) WAEMU, held in Abidjan from 23 to 24 July 2018.

The objectives of the BRVM in organizing this workshop on good practices in securities trading and the use of the BRVM's trading software are, among other things, revisiting the Bases of the trade of the negotiators, to reinforce their capacities and to open avenues of reflection on subjects of common interest for the development of the market.

Indeed, the question of the professionalization of the various trades exerted on the regional financial market of the UEMOA is a major stake to strengthen its credibility as well as investor confidence. Negotiators who are in charge of executing client orders are a particular category of agents whose competence, probity, efficiency, sense of fairness and transparency are essential to reassure investors. This is why the trade of negotiator has always been the subject of a great deal of attention on stock exchanges.

Mr. Edoh Kossi Amenounve, Managing Director of BRVM and DC / BR, setting the context for the holding of the workshop said, "we are witnessing a proliferation of training initiatives and the creation of illegal investment and / or trading platforms that can confuse investor minds. It is therefore necessary to raise awareness of the trade of negotiators, which is exclusively reserved for stakeholders approved by CREPMF on the WAEMU Regional Financial Market. "

He also indicated that in order to comply with international standards in the field of professional activities on the markets, discussions are underway and will soon lead to the establishment of a certification program for the different trades of the stock exchange, which will strengthen the professionalism of stakeholders

Forty participants from the various Management and Intermediation Societies (SGI) of the UEMOA countries expressed their satisfaction with the conduct and content of the training and expressed the wish to see this initiative. of the BRVM to continue

Source: Sercom

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