The CICES and Dakar expo Center can coexist (DG CICES)


Dakar, Nov 27 (APS) – The Director General of the International Center for Foreign Trade of Senegal (CICES), Cheikh Ndiaye, defended Tuesday the need for a coexistence between the CICES and the new Diamniadio exhibition center "Dakar Expo '', inaugurated by President Macky Sall.

"You have to know that there is no antonymy between the exhibition center and the CICES, there can be harmony, and there is even harmony," he said, in an interview with the APS.

Sheikh Ndiaye suggests to make "that the CICES is a center rather oriented on the fairs, and the center of exhibitions on the specialized and industrial fairs".

"So, I would see more the exhibition center in modern specialized fairs, highly targeted, high value-added products and in the industrial and CICES keep its trade show business, [en étant] more focused on the fair, because the fair can not miss in a country, "he argued.

This is the practice in many countries, especially the big countries famous in fairs and exhibitions, reminded Sheikh Ndiaye.

"You go to a country like France, Malaysia and China, there are several exhibition centers, why not the CICES at the same time as the center?" It is possible and it must be even like that ", argued Sheikh Ndiaye.

Nevertheless, he believes that the future management of these infrastructures "is the decision of the state." But, his conviction is that "as structures, the two must exist together at the same".

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