The Diamniadio market and the Diamniadio high-speed train station delivered at the end of September (minister) – La Vie Sénégalaise


The Minister of Commerce, Informal Sector, Consumption, Promotion of Local Products and SMEs, Alioune Sarr, made a visit on Monday to Diamniadio on the sites of the market of national interest and the station of the big carriers. The purpose of this visit was to inquire about the progress of the work. A visit that falls within the scope of the mission of control that his ministry exercises with the Public Infrastructure Management Company in the urban centers of Diamniadio and Lac Rose (Sogip) SA, for finishing in "very good" conditions.

The Minister Alioune Sarr gave instructions to the company in charge of the works so that the building sites are closed by September 29 at the latest. This will allow his ministry to organize with the services of the Presidency of the Republic and the Prime Minister for the Head of State, Macky Sall, to receive them during the month of October 2018. This will be also, the satisfaction of the expectation of the national private sector. In fact, this expectation of having a "world-class" infrastructure dates back more than 30 years.

The national interest market and the Diamniadio large-capacity station is a project whose overall cost is estimated at more than 55 billion CFA francs. The first consists of several thousand square meters of cold rooms. The second, to him, is composed of more than 265 car parks for trucks and small vehicles added the Minister of Commerce Alioune Sarr.

Abdoul BABA –

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