the FBI dismantles a network of hackers


Hackers in the 3ve network used infected computers to generate fake clicks on the porn site.

Assisted by major companies such as Google or Symantec, the US investigative bureau updated members of the 3ve (pronounced Eve) network who were engaged in massive fraud in Internet advertising for years, especially on the famous PornHub porn site, which attracts millions of Internet users every day around the world. Of the eight pirates identified, all from eastern countries, three are already incarcerated, the others still in the wild.

baptized malvertising, the technique used by the 3ve network was intended to generate fake clicks on advertisements to recover commissions paid by advertisers. For that, hackers used computers infected with malware broadcast by email or false advertising, on the pretext of an update that actually installed malicious software. Vertebrate machines were then exploited as a proxy, to hide IP addresses, or to make fake clicks on advertisements. In parallel, they were setting up ghost sites to place advertising on which the computers came to click, so as to generate traffic and therefore income.

According to Forbes magazine, hackers reportedly infected some 1.7 million computers, mainly in the United States and Europe, and gotten hold of more than a million IP addresses. With this juicy traffic, he would have garnered more than $ 36 million in advertising revenue between 2014 and 2018.

Photo: © PornHub

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