The first edition of the Tozeur Film Festival in Tunisia from December 5th to 8th


November 29, 2018

Tunis, Tunisia, November 29 (Infosplusgabon) – The first edition of the Tozeur International Film Festival, in southern Tunisia, will be held from December 5 to 8, 2018, the festival's executive committee announced Thursday, its organizers .

'' We aspire to make Tozeur a major film station and its festival a major event of international cinema, like the Marrakech Festival, Morocco '', said its president, Hamida Mrabet, at a conference press at the Tunis City of Culture.

The idea of ​​organizing this festival was supported by Tunisian ministries of cultural affairs and tourism and handicrafts, she added, adding that Tozeur, which has its film history, is a major cinema station. , thanks to his Sahara which has seen the realization of several international films like the "English sickness" and "Star Wars".

The world's largest filming organization has been invited to represent filmmakers and producers around the world.

This structure will participate in the event and will discover the best sites for images in Tunisia and to meet Tunisian film makers, said the patron of the festival, saying that the festival also aimed to support tourism saharoui through activities that he will bring in the area.

On the program, a competition of all genres and formats (long and short -Métrages, fictions and documentaries), as well as master classes to allow aspiring young filmmakers to meet, discuss and exchange their experiences to further develop their projects, said the festival's executive committee.


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