the government condemns and demands an impartial investigation


The Government of Senegal " strongly condemns " the death of Hamadou Toumany Diop in Congo Brazzaville and calls for an impartial investigation to determine the causes and circumstances of his death.

According to press reports, Hamadou Diop, who lives in Pointe-Noire, was fatally assaulted in his shop. The drama took place yesterday, Thursday, towards the blows of 22 hours.

In a statement, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs expresses the " consternation " of the government, and assures that " the Consul General of Senegal at Pointe-Noire was immediately instructed to request the opening of an impartial investigation, to determine the causes and circumstances of the death of our compatriot and to provide all the assistance necessary for the repatriation of the body ".

" The Government extends its condolences to the family of the deceased and to the entire Senegalese community established in the Republic of Congo ," the statement added.

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