The growth rate of the Central African economy estimated at 4.2%


"This rate of growth clearly above the world average and the subregion is to be encouraged for the stabilization of the monetary zone", said the vice-governor of the BEAC, at the end of the quarterly meeting of the Monetary Committee for the CAR held Thursday in Bangui.

Dieudonné Evoumékou has nevertheless noted a slowdown in the area of ​​credit and at this level, "we must pay much attention to the quality of the counterpart that we have in front He noted,

"The BEAC is meeting the challenges of, inter alia, growth, industrialization, foreign exchange reserves," he said.

The Central African economy is supported by activities in the agricultural, forestry, mining and commercial sectors. A gradual return of confidence among economic agents is also noted.

The Minister of Finance, Henri Marie Dondra however indicated that economic activity was sluggish in the secondary sector during the period under review, particularly at the level of industries manufacturing and electricity and water production companies.

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