The Khalifa Sall affair returns in force in the Senegalese press


"ECOWAS decision, Karim Wade strike off electoral lists, Khalifa Sall's appeal lawsuit … Branle-basse of opposition! Exclaims Sud Quotidien, informing that the march statement of opponents on July 13 was filed yesterday at the Prefecture of Dakar.

About Khalifa Sall, this newspaper notes that his lawyers press the state, while the Senegalese Democratic Party (Opposition Party) raises its voice and is threatened by Karim Wade's removal from the electoral lists.

"Refusal to execute unfavorable court decisions: How Senegal exposed to ECOWAS sanctions, "headlines Walfadjri, describing Senegal as a" rogue state. "

" What the Khalifa executioners risk ", Vox Populi says, pointing out that the mayor of Dakar's lawyers are wearing criminals against those who hold him in arbitrary detention. "The prosecution period is 10 years," says Me Ciré Clédor Ly.

"Detention deemed arbitrary Khalifa Sall by ECOWAS: His lawyers ask the state to draw the consequences of right," writes L 'As in his headline.

Speaking of the decision of the ECOWAS Court of Justice, EnQuête reports on "the warnings of Khalifa Sall's lawyers", told L'Observateur: "ECOWAS Judgment: Khalifa Sall's lawyers demand the cancellation of the trial. "

At 48 hours of his appeal, The Daily posts" the call for Khalifa. "

This newspaper devotes its A to the circulation in the Cedeao space and informs that "Abidjan prohibits identity cards (biometric ECOWAS)."

"At the moment when the song of political leaders is more open to the continent and its economy, a country like the Ivory Coast is closed to many nationals of the sub-region who are not in possession of a passport. "

In economics, EnQuête deals with" the war of chickens ", indicating that the Grands Moulins de Dakar (Gmd), which has just joined forces with Zalar, the number 2 Moroccan arrives in the poultry sector. "

" There are no foreigners to hold. What matters is the know-how, "says Franck Bavard, CEO of Gmd.

Focusing on the 2nd phase of the Diamniadio industrial park, Le Soleil informs that" China puts 60 billion Fcfa ".

Meanwhile, L'Observateur investigates HIV in Senegal and discovers "300 children with AIDS". According to our colleagues, mother-to-child transmission remains a problem to be supervised.


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