The KOLDA UJTL AFTER FABOULY'S DEPARTURE: "We are more than determined to continue the fight …"


The defection of Fabouly Gaye et Cie from the ranks of the Senegalese Democratic Party does not seem to shake the local UJTL. The latter held a press conference this Sunday, July 15 to indicate to the opinion that it does not disarm.

"The UJTL Kolda is more than ever determined to continue the fight, to perpetuate the legacy Mr. Wade, continue his work and fight for the election of Karim Wade, "said Seydou Fall secretary general of the communal section UJTL Kolda in this face to face with the press.

this spokesman of the young liberals, the bandit arguments by his old comrades do not hold. To dismantle the reasons mentioned by Fabouly Gaye, the young Seydou Fall argues that "the roads are part of the remainder of the work of the MCA which was a project of Mr. Wade".

Before continuing that "the TATA buses are acquired by the sweat of the front of the brave Koldois economic operators who are paying each end of the month to become owners".

Regarding the Grand Mosque, he concludes, "we organized a march in 2012 to tell the Governor of the region that the old regime had a project to rebuild the mosque. We had demanded in his time that this project not be forgotten by the successor of Wade. "

All things that make Seydou Fall say that" Fabouly Gaye and his companions wanted to leave of their own free will, for their own interests ". But "not for Kolda. It's opportunism, "he said, suggesting that" it's never too late to return to the father's house and we can be in a good position. "

the opposition and fight for the development of Kolda "

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