The lawyers of "Rimka" prepare their riposte this Sunday


After the PDS, Karim Wade's lawyers will reply to articles L31 and L32 of the Electoral Code, which rejected his request for registration on the electoral rolls on Sunday, July 8, 2018, at a conference of press at 4.30 pm, in a hotel in the center of Dakar.

According to the services of the recasting of the electoral register and the two articles of the Electoral Code (Law No. 2017-12 of 18 January 2017 on the Electoral Code) that the National Assembly adopted at its meeting on Monday 02 January 2017, Karim Wade can not be a candidate in the presidential election of 2019. Indeed, the presidential pardon does not erase the sentence to which he was sentenced by the Court of Repression of the illicit enrichment (CREI) and the Articles L31 and L32 of the Senegalese Electoral Code are sufficiently clear.

"When reference is made to Article L31 and secondly, those who are sentenced to a suspended term of imprisonment or to a suspended sentence of imprisonment can not be registered on the electoral roll. longer than one month, with or without a fine, for one of the following offenses: theft, fraud, breach of trust, drug trafficking, embezzlement and subtraction by public officials, corruption and trafficking in influence, counterfeiting and in general for any of the offenses punishable by more than five (5) years imprisonment. These provisions are sufficient not to allow this person whom you quoted (note: Karim Wade) to be registered on the electoral list "

Article L.31.

Must not not be entered on the voters list:
1) individuals convicted of felony;
2) those sentenced to a term of imprisonment without suspended sentence or to a suspended sentence of more than one year months, with or without a fine, for any of the following offenses: theft, fraud, breach of trust, drug trafficking, embezzlement and subtraction by public officials, bribery and trading in influence, counterfeiting and in general for one of the offenses punishable by more than five (05) years imprisonment;
3) those sentenced to more than three (03) months of imprisonment without sentence or to imprisonment longer than six (6) months suspended for an offense other than those listed in the second paragraph above, subject to the provisions of Article L30;
4) those who are in a state of absconding;
(5) bankrupts who have not been rehabilitated and whose bankruptcy has been declared either by the Senegalese courts or by a judgment rendered abroad and enforceable in Senegal;
(6) those against whom the prohibition of the right to vote has been pronounced by a common criminal court;
7) the major incapable.

Article L.32. –

Not to be entered on the list of electors for a period of five (05) years from the date on which the conviction became final, the convicted persons for a misdemeanor referred to in Article L31 , third indent, to a suspended sentence of not less than one month and not more than three (3) months or to a suspended sentence of three (03) months or more and less than or equal to to six (6) months, either for any offense to a fine without suspension exceeding 200,000 FCFA, subject to the provisions of Article L.30.However, the courts, in pronouncing the convictions referred to in the previous paragraph, may raise the convicts of this temporary deprivation of the right to vote and election.

Without prejudice to the provisions of Article L.31 and the first paragraph of this article, shall not be entered on the list of electors for a period of time fixed by the judgment, those to whom the courts have prohibited the right of voting and election under the laws that authorize this prohibition.

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