the prefect of Bignona arouses the anger of the populations


As promised, we come back to pictures on the hot morning in Niafrang. This, to say that it is populations, ready for all the sacrifices against the project of exploitation of the zircon, which welcomed the prefect with boos and red armbands. The authority, by visiting the site, had mobilized senior officers of the Army and the National Gendarmerie, as well as the heads of the various services of the State.

Once on site, he encountered the barricades erected by local residents. It took the mediation of the sages of Niafrang to get the young people to remove the barriers. Thus the spokesman of the committee of struggle Ousmane Sané informed the authority of the main points of their platform. In the meantime, the prefect Babacar Ndiaye is copiously booed. The representative of the Australian company, Mrs. Sokhna Diène, according to our sources, did not dare to get out of his car.

"The kids were ready to do anything to save their wealth," says a witness. The latter indexes a plot hatched at high levels and does not clear the governor of the Ziguinchor region.

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