the president called to speak against the French


Last night, Emmanuel Macron spoke to his majority MPs about the Benalla affair. The speech was hailed by LREM deputies who consider him "welcome" and "brave" by a president who "assumes" his involvement. "The person in charge is me and me alone (…) Let them come and get me" he declared.

What bristling the opposition . The exclusivity of the intervention of Emmanuel Macron made react. Several executives expressed themselves to ask the President of the Republic to support his arguments before the entirety of the French . Elected officials also call the president on Twitter. They insist to see Emmanuel Macron address directly to the French.

Guillaume Larrivé, MP LR and co-rapporteur of the commission of inquiry, spoke on RTL this morning. According to him, the eviction of members of the opposition is a mistake on the part of the president: "Emmanuel Macron chose to comment on this affair in front of his fan club". With regard to the possible hearing of the President of the Republic by the commission of inquiry, he "wants to denounce today the obstruction of the deputies of the majority ."

Valérie Rabault, president of the New Left group (ex-PS), also spoke on the air. She first explains that she was initially not in favor of hearing Emmanuel Macron: "I think it is important that we preserve the function of the President of the Republic". Nevertheless, since the President "staged" in front of the members of his majority, she agrees that "the opportunity of his hearing becomes more relevant".

Explaining to the French

According to Marine Le Pen (National Gathering), the "That they come to get me" pronounced by Emmanuel Macron is " not very fact-play when the Constitution (which we do not dispute) specifically protects him from any accountability. "
In another tweet, she also says, "The first thing you ask #Macron is to express yourself." He could have said he made a mistake, the whole thing The world could have understood that but it has been walled in silence, it wants to hide all the dissimulation that has been taking place for two and a half months. "

Eric Coquerel (France Insoumise) is also astonished by the the way in which the president seeks to release himself from his deputies by voluntarily being responsible for the facts, and also wants to see him face the jury of the commission of inquiry: "Emmanuel Macron is said to be solely responsible? So the blows of Benalla, his usurpation of function, his role in other demonstrations, the short-circuiting of the police hierarchy, or even the parallel police.Chiche he speaks before the commission of inquiry ". 19659008] The "unwholesome copinings" denounced

For its part, Daniel Fasque Ile, deputy of the Pas-de-Calais, rebels against the speech of the president. For him, "Macron is responsible and … guilty! (…) Guilty of having waited 5 days to speak in front of the only LREM deputies."

Jean-Luc Mélenchon, president of the France Insoumise group, would like the president "to come to the commission and tell us, because unhealthy copinings we call this a parallel hierarchy". Finally, Gérard Larcher, president of the Senate, also told Le Figaro that he "would have preferred the president to address France and the French ".

According to Daniel Fasquelle, Emmanuel Macron is "guilty"

Credits: Twitter @DFasquelle |
                            Date: 25/07/2018


According to Daniel Fasquelle, Emmanuel Macron is "guilty"

Credits: Twitter @DFasquelle |
                                        Date: 25/07/2018

Eric Coquerel invites the president to speak before the commission of inquiry

Credits: Twitter @ericcoquerel |
                                        Date: 25/07/2018

For Marine Le Pen, the "That they come to get me" is "not very done play"

Credits: Twitter @MLP_officiel |
                                        Date: 25/07/2018

Marine Le Pen denounces the desire to "hide all the cover-up" of the Benalla affair

Credits: Twitter @MLP_officiel |
                                        Date: 25/07/2018

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