The presidential mobility sweeps up Matam


The region of Matam is now reassured to have largely achieved the goal set for it as part of the sponsor collection campaign. In this locality, local officials, under the leadership of Minister Mamadou Talla, who is also the regional delegate of this fundraising campaign, achieved the results that earned them great satisfaction.

As proof, at the ceremony of refunding sponsorships, this Monday evening, Farba Ngom presented the results of their collection campaign. It emerged that the Department of Matam is 85. 187 sponsors. He gave the details before raising the number of sponsors collected in the department of Ranérou, at this meeting chaired by Aminata Touré, former Prime Minister, also national coordinator of sponsorships.

Minister Mamadou Talla, for his part, noted in this video the results obtained by the department of Kanel. Moreover, he says, the work is just beginning, and he explains the reason for it in this element.

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