The PS invests Macky Sall, the APR welcomes a "decision assumed"


The decision taken by the Socialist Party to nominate President Macky SALL for the next presidential election on 24 February 2019 is an extension of a political commitment signed since 2012. It is a striking manifestation of a total and constant support for his national construction work.
The Alliance for the Republic (APR) welcomes this position taken and assumed by the governing bodies of the Socialist Party and rightly measures the choice of its Secretary General, Ousmane Tanor DIENG who proves, once again that he remains and remains, a man of value and principle, committed to the development of our country.
For this decision marks the beginning of a new stage in the rise of the Benno Bokk Yaakar coalition which has emerged victorious from all the electoral consultations, since since 2012.
Our large political majority which gathers members who share the same ambition, has thwarted all the attempts of destabilization orchestrated by an opposition, unable to propose to the Senegalese an alternative and credible project of society and for which, the PSE is an unsurpassable horizon. By consolidating the Socialist Party's major choice for Benno Bokk Yaakaar and the completion of President Macky SALL's political project, the statesman Ousmane Tanor DIENG honors the principles and values ​​of the Socialist Party in the service of stability and of Senegal's development.
The Alliance For the Republic (APR) welcomes this high sense of responsibility, which reinforces, once again, the intrinsic leadership and political legitimacy of President Ousmane Tanor DIENG.
Therefore, the Alliance Pour la Republique (APR) wishes to pay a tribute to the Secretary General of the Socialist Party for this decision exclusively guided by the best interests of the Nation.
Finally, the Alliance Pour la Republique (APR) would also like to reaffirm its availability to the other leaders and organizations involved in the Benno Bokk Yaakaar Coalition, to guarantee President Macky Sall, as soon as possible. first round, a comfortable majority that will allow us to complete:
● the process of structural transformation of our economy,
● social inclusion and strengthening of human capital
● the consolidation of democracy and the governance.
In a word, Senegal emerges, Senegal of all, Senegal for all.
The National Spokesman
Seydou GUEYE

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