The public lecture of Gueum sa Bopp at the Grand Théâtre interdite …


Access to the Grand Theater was banned, "without further trial, Gueum sa Bopp Citizen Awareness Movement.

After a "enriching tour across the country" the citizen awareness movement Gueum sa Bopp, led by Bougane Gueye Dany, wanted to close the loop in Dakar, at the Grand Théâtre, this Wednesday, August 1 for a public lecture focused on "Gueum sa Bopp Philosophy" .

The organizers wanted to pay, this Thursday, the expenses related to the organization, but the commercial service made them poirote, all the day, pretexting that the Boss is absent from places.

Nevertheless, they indicate On the telephone of Senego, a correspondence, in due form, was sent to the direction of the Grand Theater.

But with this categorical niet, members of the movement suspect "measures from above to annihilate their activity ".

" This public conference which has nothing political " they recall, will have to emphasize the philosophy Gueum sa Bopp. Emphasize skills, personal development courses, strengthening for leadership …

Ultimately, the movement urges Senegalese to believe in themselves, their potential for success.

Unfortunately, regret they, everywhere in the interior of the country, "the police, through their general information, are on their heels to glean, that-and-there, back in real time."

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