The real reasons for the Super gasoline shortage


Asked to comment on the shortage of gasoline Super reported by the director of Elton, Babacar Tall, the director of the African Society of Refining (Sar), Serigne Mboup, kicked in touch: "There is no problem. "

According to Pape Alassane, DME of the National Hydrocarbons Council, questioned by the Rfm, the reality is different. "There was a power plant problem at the Sar, which had some technical problems to put all this back," he reveals. And, (during) about four days, the Sar did not produce. "

Dème details:" There were actually some stockouts at the level of some distributors. These are essentially independent distributors, including Elton. There are other stations also operators that are virtually out of order. This is because at one point, the Sar was virtually out of production. This has helped to reduce the supply available in the domestic market. In addition to that, there are a few importers who can not sell to these independent distributors. "

Everything is back in order:" The Sar has resumed production progressively. There have been four 400 m3 Super bins that have been produced and are being sold to the different distributors, "says Pape Alassane Dème.


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