The Republican executives of the department explain to the population the importance of sponsorship


During a three-day tour of Matam, Ogo, Ourossogui, Nabadji Siweul, Nguidjilone, Boki Diawe, Dabieu, Thillogne, Agnams, and Orefondé, Matam, the Republican executives of the department. have made a series of explanations of the law on sponsorship to populations of this department. One way to make them better understand what is at stake in this law.
In a press conference this Sunday afternoon, the departmental coordinator of republican cadres, Farba Ngom, draws up a satisfactory assessment of this tour and considers that all the militants of this department are satisfied with this republican initiative and promise to sponsor the candidate Macky Sall for the next presidential election of 2019.
Several officials of Benno Bokk Yakaar, native of this department took part in this tour. We can mention the Minister of Local Governance Yaya Abdoul Kane, the Deputy Mayor of Agnams Farba Ngom, the Mayor of Nguidjilogne Daouda Ndiaye, Me Malick Sall, the former Minister of Education under the regime of Wade Kalidou Diallo, the MP Mayor of Matam Mamadou Mori Diaw, the economic operator Kalidou Wagué among other authorities …

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