the return of Senegalese fans has been hectic


The return of some members of the Senegalese delegation of the World Cup, yesterday on Dakar, was very eventful. Including the supporters of the 12th Gainde and Allez Casa, the guests of the Sports Minister, many of whom come from Fatick, and some confreres for a total of 236 passengers, the special flight was very … special. In the absence of Matar Ba, who did not travel on the plane, as well as some of his close associates, including the Director of High Competition (Dhc), who remained in Moscow to settle the last formalities.

Twenty or so, they did not appreciate the way in which department officials handled the return flight. First on the departure time of the aircraft, marked by several uncertainties. Then, at the time of boarding when some were preferred to others on the 42 Vip seats included in the plane.

In the lot of "Vip" circumstance, three marabouts, some young political leaders of Fatick , Ministry of Sports agents and special guests. On the other side, some personalities including the brother of the President of the Republic, Abdou Aziz Sall, left at the bottom of the plane. Very discreet, the latter lodged with the guests of the Minister of Sports, without ever claiming certain privileges. An approach that did not please some when taking off. Wanting to save face, some agents of the ministry could not convince them. And that, in the absence of the minister. This caused some confusion.

In the absence of the captain, the crew of the plane from Jordan could take the risk of taking off in such an atmosphere of disorder. Despite many interventions by the captain, forced to leave his cabin, some "irresponsible" were not embarrassed to show themselves with insults, indiscipline, punctuated by altercations
It must be said that a good deal of the delegation was noticed at the time of the registration from Moscow. Despite the seven wickets that were available to them, some could not help but burn the stages just to be the first served.
To these errors, the crew will be confronted with interminable back and forth, even in areas of turbulence. And when the griots go there to ask people money from the left to the right, it's easy to imagine what it's like to suffer on board a 236-seat plane for an 8-hour trip.

A real nightmare for those who were hoping for a peaceful journey. A bad publicity of Senegal when one aspires to sell the destination Senegal.


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