The Rewmi is in a posture where its slogan would be "Senegal first, Senegal first": it is this man who says it


The government of Macky Sall has as slogan "Senegal of all, Senegal for all". The Rewmi party could also have yours by the presidential election in 2019. At least, if we are to believe Abdourahmane Diouf, the coordinator of cadres (Cecar) of said political party.

"We are in a stance where our slogan would be "Senegal first, Senegal first", he said this Saturday at a meeting organized by Cecar.

According to him, "this is where President Macky Sall failed, unfortunately. And this is what the Rewmi is molding into the program of government that it will present as and when. "

" People need to understand that in Senegal, all economic activities are articulated around the interests of Senegal first, Senegal first. This will be the breadcrumb trail of our project (…) ", he lifted a corner of the veil of Idrissa Seck's future program, to the presidential election of 2019.

Ousmane THIANE (Trainee-Actusen .sn)

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