the scathing answer of French sportsmen


"Africa has won". Here is summarized in one sentence the small music publicly sung by personalities (like the Venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro or Trevor Noah, the presenter of the American Daily Show) or by anonymous ones on the social networks, a few days after the victory of the team of France in the final of the World Cup. Attacks in good standing or clumsy jokes, which highlight the origins of French players. Some athletes, sometimes out of football, organize the response. Sometimes when not mumbling their words

When Mendy closes the debate

Sporf communication agency certainly did not leave a bad intention when it published a tweet with, in front of each name of the players of the team of France, a flag recalling their origins. The message is also concluded by an "All together for France". But the message made Benjamin Mendy react. The French side world champion replaced each flag with the French flag, concluding with a "Fixed" ("repaired"), accompanied by a wink.

Handsome player, Sporf responded by replacing all flags by trophies, with the same message to conclude. Benjamin Mendy's message was liked more than 124,000 times on Wednesday at midday

Nicolas Batum's Angry Message

Nicolas Batum was less diplomatic. The French basketball player, who plays in Charlotte, USA, posted a message on Twitter, probably in reaction to the joke of Trevor Noah, the (South African) presenter of the Daily show, who has repeatedly sung "The Africa won the World Cup. Sorry about my language but the people who say 'bravo Africa for your victory', are all going to make you fuck, "writes a visibly angry Nicolas Batum." So yes, I have a father and a Cameroonian name, but we all we fight and play in France because we were born here, grew up here, learned our sport in France, have the pride of having French nationality ", continues the basketball player.

Fournier and Gobert on the same line

Like his NBA colleague, Evan Fournier reacted strongly to Tervor Noah's joke "You ridicule yourself, moron," first tweeted the Orlando Magic player.

Then he unfolded his thought. "Stop with this 'Africa won the World Cup for France' silly. Is it Africa that wins when the United States wins gold at the Olympics? Is it Europe that wins when South Africa wins in rugby? And I could go on … Stop bullshit. We are all French, we must make you there. "

More sober was Rudy Gobert.

"Cancel your show", wrote to Trevor Noah the giant (2.16 m) French, Utah Jazz player and recently voted best defender of the NBA.

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