The Senegalese political class has failed in its mission (academic)


Guest of the Sunday program "Objections" of the South FM (private radio), Mr. Samba said that the power does not really matter politicians, but populations. According to him, it is the latter who must be trained, sensitized and informed so that the parties do not have to go to the streets.

"If we have a strong collective social conscience, the political parties will represent nothing on the chessboard. When there is something for which people will have to fight, it is the people themselves who will stand up to fight, "he said.

Recalling the event of June 23, 2011 which had forced former president Abdoulaye Wade to withdraw his bill that would allow the candidate who obtained more than 25% of the votes in the first round to win the presidential election, Mr. Samba believes that it is not the work of the policies even

And unfortunately, he pointed out, they soon turned around because they realized that without the people, they are nothing.

Evoking the status of the opposition taken into account by the last constitution adopted in 2016, Ousseynou Samba deplored the fact that the policies put forward their interests to the detriment of those of the Senegalese.

Concerning the social problems (water , electricity, health …) to which fo In the face of Senegalese today, the criminalist regrets that there have never been any marches in favor of these primary needs and that these are "the least protected rights in Senegal."

"Teachers, doctors , the populations are still outside, but the political parties never accompany them "he said.

According to Ousseynou Samba," it is absurd "that there exist in Dakar districts, which, for two years have no water and that in others we wake up at 4am to draw water, while we are building a Regional Express Train (TER) for a cost of 1 trillion from CFAF

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