The social partners note a change at Macron but remain on their guard – All the news of Guadeloupe on the Internet


The social partners noted Tuesday a change of tone on the part of Emmanuel Macron, who expressed the wish for more "dialogue" in the future, but remain nevertheless on their guard, at the end of three hours of Interview at the Elysee

The President of the Republic "agreed that last year had been at his own pace and without listening much," said Philippe Martinez, number one of the CGT. "Sometimes he agrees, but it does not change," he then commented in front of the journalists in the courtyard of the Elysee.

The CGT insisted on "the distribution of wealth", "suffering at work" and "public health services", he said.

"We felt that there was a desire to return – in the words of the President of the Republic – to a contractual Republic, and to a form of dialogue between trade union and employers' organizations and the State", explained Laurent Berger, number one of the CFDT.

Emmanuel Macron has announced that there will be at the beginning of the "bilateral" with the Prime Minister on "a number of topics" and a "multilateral" on unemployment insurance and health at work.

Pascal Pavageau, Secretary General of FO, welcomed the "signals" given by the Head of State "in the renewed desire to work with the social interlocutors". On the reopening of the negotiations on unemployment insurance, he said however "extremely cautious, I am waiting for the roadmap of September".

Employer side, François Asselin (CPME) saw in this meeting "a real turning point": the president "said + during the first year of mandate, it was necessary to unblock certain situations, I went quickly, I assume , and now I'm thinking of another sequence where I'm going to need to rely on the middle + bodies, "he said.

The new boss of the Medef, Geoffroy Roux de Bezieux, was content to indicate at his exit from the meeting that he had highlighted "the recruitment difficulties" of companies and "technological changes".

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