The special parquet claims 141, 073 billion CFA francs to Karim Wade


Libération revealed yesterday that the special prosecutor's office of the Court of repression of the illicit enrichment (Crei) had issued an order of conduct against Karim Wade, Mamadou Pouye, Bibo Bourgi, Mballo Thiam, Evelyne Delatre and Old Aidara.
According to our information of Liberation, it is exactly the sum of 141.073.782.901 Fcfa that the special prosecutor's office claims to the son of the former President of the Republic. This is reflected in the deficiency report which preceded the order of conduct.
Indeed, Karim Wade must, in the main, billion Fcfa; 377,595,480 in liquidated expenses, 2,453,196,669 in law and receipts all taxes included, 3,450,806 in cost of the report of seizure attribution, 185,770 FCFA for the cost of the denunciation of seizure attribution and 267,780 FCFA for the cost of the command.
In the command before the seizure that the bailiff filed to the city of Dakar on May 15, 2018, Mr. Jean Baptiste Kamaté was "commanded to Mr. Karim Meissa Wade to have immediately and within eight days of the present for any delay to be paid in the hands of the Regional Paying Treasurer of Dakar, having charge and power to receive funds and issue good and valid receipt the sum of 141.073.782.901 billion Fcfa ".
As a reminder, the usher filed the document to the city of Dakar after a descent to Point E on April 15, 2018 at 10 hours 44 minutes.
Security officer Abdou D. S. found on the spot had refused to take command. As a reminder, in rendering its decision, the Crei sentenced Karim Wade to a six (6) year prison sentence and a fine of Hundred Thirty Eight Thousand Two Hundred Thirty Nine Thousand Four Hundred Thousand Three Hundred Four Hundred Twenty Sixteen (138 239 086 396 F CFA);
His alleged accomplice Ibrahim Abu Khalil was sentenced to five (5) years imprisonment and a fine of Hundred Thirty Eight Billion, Two Hundred Thirty Nine Million, Four Thousand Six Thousand Three Hundred Fourteen Twenty Sixteen (138,239,086 396 F CFA);
Mamadou Pouye five (05) years imprisonment and a fine of seventy nine billion, one hundred and ten nine million, five hundred and forty three thousand, one hundred and eighty eight thousand eight thousand (69,119,543 198 CFA francs);
Alioune Samba Dies five (05) years imprisonment and a fine of Sixty Nine, One Hundred Nine Million, Five Hundred Thousand Three Thousand, One Hundred Four Hundred Thousand Eight Thousand (69,119,543,198 F CFA);
Finally, Karim Abu Khalil, Evelyne Riou Delatre, Mamadou Aïdara said Vieux and Mballo Thiam – all fugitives – were sentenced to ten (10) years imprisonment each and a hundred and thirty eight hundred thousand two hundred and thirty nine million four Twenty Six Thousand Three Hundred Four Twenty Sixteen (138,239,086,396 F CFA) each.
The Crei also ordered the confiscation of all the present property of the convicts, of whatever nature they are; tangible or intangible furniture or real estate, whether tangible or intangible, including the shares of the companies of which they are economic beneficiaries;
On civil interests, the Crei had allocated the sum of ten billion (10 000 000 F CFA) in damages and interest to the State before jointly sentencing Karim Meissa Wade, Ibrahim Abu Khalil said Bibo Bourgi, Mamadou Pouye said Pope, Alioune Samba Diasse, Karim Abu Khalil, Mamadou Aidara said Old, Evelyne Riou Delatre and Mballo Thiam to pay him the said sum.
Finally, the Crei fixed the constraint by body to the maximum, all in application of the provisions of laws 81. 53 and 81. 54 of July 10, 1981 and articles 30 and following 45,46 and 163 bis of the Penal Code, 451, 709 and sixty of the Code of Criminal Procedure.

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