More than four billion three hundred million is the total value of prohibited and fraudulent products unsuitable for human and animal consumption that state authorities have incinerated in Kolda. The ceremony was attended by the Director General of Customs on tour in the area. These products include, among others, fake medicines estimated at 443 kg, Indian hemp for more than 5 tons, 616,000 stems of cigarettes, etc. There is also a quantity of 22 kg of hard drugs under the term "methamphetamine" for a value of two billion six hundred million FCFA. These different quantities are seized by the customs, the police, the gendarmerie and the health services, of the regions of Sedhiou and Kolda.

An opportunity for the DG of the customs to call all these forces to vigilance to protect the consumption of the populations and to save the national economy. Oumar Diallo will say that this large quantity seized testifies the commitment and the determination of all these forces, especially the customs in its mission of surveillance of the national territory. In this southern part of Senegal borders several countries. "One party is seized, another has certainly escaped, the pursuit continues against these criminals and traffickers," said the head of the national customs. Against these traffickers, prison sentences differ according to the products. And the vice-president of the Kolda High Court has made it clear that for drugs the penalties range from ten to twenty years of forced labor.
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