The State of Senegal injects 20 billion FCFA into the fight against malaria (PNLP coordinator)


Saly-Portudal (Mbour), July 8 (APS) – The State of Senegal injects at least 20 billion CFA francs annually to accelerate the elimination of malaria, revealed Saturday, in Saly-Portudal ( Mbour, West), the coordinator of the National Malaria Control Program (NMCP), Doudou Sène.

'' In total, [ce seront] 65 billion CFA francs for the next three years to be able to achieve the elimination of malaria in Senegal. Malaria is almost confined to certain areas, including Tambacounda, Kedougou, Kolda, Diourbel and Kaolack, "he said at a political meeting in Saly-Portudal.

On the other hand, in other areas, only a few cases are recorded, as in the region of Thiès, which is generally in the green zone, with less than five cases per thousand inhabitants. The same situation prevails in the regions of Matam, Saint-Louis and Louga.

'' The use of the impregnated mosquito net is the most absolute weapon to protect against malaria '', said Dr Doudou Sène, according to which Senegal recorded '' an overall decline '' 'the parasite prevalence rate, which is 0.3% for the whole national territory.

He called for '' to maintain the achievements we have achieved and also to work in the sense of translating into action, at the community level, the vision of the Head of State '', Macky Sall. He assured that "the main input of the fight against malaria, the impregnated mosquito net, will be available in quantity throughout the national territory, especially for pregnant women and children aged 0 to 5.

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