The State promises to strengthen the financial resources of local authorities


Dakar, July 19 (APS) – The Minister of the Economy, Finance and Planning, Amadou Bâ, promised Thursday to bring "an appropriate solution" to the "nagging question" of the financing of local authorities, using tax and "financial transfer mechanisms."

He made this promise at a meeting of mayors and presidents of departmental councils with officials of the Directorate General of Compatibility and Treasury placed under the tutelage of his ministry.

Mbaye Dione, the mayor of Ngoundiane, in the region of Thiès (west), proposed to the Minister of the Economy to put in time the endowment funds of local authorities at the disposal of the town halls and county councils, and to pay them the "fund of competition" of 40 billion francs CFA agreed by the State and the beneficiaries since last April.

These measures will enable local governments to function properly and pay the salaries of their employees on time, according to Mr. Dione.

Town halls face difficulties in collecting taxes and delays in collecting funds allocated to them, he added.

The State must, under the reform of local authorities, provide these entities with financial and fiscal resources necessary for "optimal management" of local development, according to Amadou Bâ.

He promised, with the collaboration of the Ministry of Local Governance, the supervision of town halls and county councils, to set up "financial transfer mechanisms", to financially assist the town halls and departmental councils. [19659003]

Amadou Bâ also claims to rely on taxation to find funds for local and regional authorities.

Regarding local taxation, a reform of the patent is planned to modify certain provisions of the general tax code, with a view to a "more balanced allocation of resources to local authorities", according to Mr. Bâ.


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