The State promises to strengthen the financial resources of local authorities •


The General Directorate of Public Accounting and Treasury (DGCPT) organized yesterday, in Dakar, a working meeting with a representative group of all categories of municipalities in Senegal. This allowed the local elected officials to put on the table all their difficulties.

L e Minister of Economy, Finance and Planning, Amadou Ba, said that the reform of the decentralization policy must be completed in its second phase, which should make it possible to provide local and regional authorities with financial and fiscal resources necessary for the optimal management of local development. He was speaking yesterday in Dakar at a working meeting between the General Directorate of Public Accounting and the Treasury (DGCPT) and a representative group of all categories of municipalities in Senegal. However, it should be noted some difficulties in the implementation of this 2 th phase. This prompted the Minister to say: "I urge my services to work, in connection with the Ministry in charge of local governance, to provide appropriate solutions to the nagging issue of financing decentralization with, in particular , a better operationalization of the two main mechanisms of intervention of the State towards the local authorities which are the financial transfers and the local taxation ". Regarding transfers (…), Mr. Ba informed that the Head of State reaffirmed his willingness to promote the principles of equity, solidarity and territorial cooperation necessary for the predictability and the proper allocation of these transfers to local authorities. In terms of local taxation, the Minister argued, the reform of the license should allow, with the change of bases for calculating the base of the new tax, a more balanced allocation of resources to local authorities. According to him, the success of this major reform of the decentralization policy requires the various actors a commitment without fault, a frank and sincere collaboration and a good appropriation of the stakes of the reform.

Endowment donations, the survival of local authorities

These Amadou Ba responses will take into account the concerns of local executives. Indeed, Mbaye Dione, Secretary General of the Association of Mayors of Senegal, asked the Minister of Economy and Finance to put at least endowment funds to local governments because there are communities that have as resources as endowment funds. Which is the sad reality. For him, staying six months without being able to pay wages is difficult. Many elected officials have other responsibilities that allow them to run their executive from their own resources. "Currently, we can not launch investment programs because we are not sure what we will receive," he said. As regards payment delays at the level of collections, said Mr Dione also Mayor of Ngoundiane, in the region of Thies, "despite the availability of your service, we encounter enormous difficulties." For Cheikh Tidiane Diop, Director General of Public Accounting and Treasury, the treasury administration, aware of its major role in the implementation of decentralization, has always positioned itself to provide the most appropriate solutions, particularly in Resource Mobilization and Local Expenditure Execution.

Zachari BADJI

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