The Sun – Blood donation to Sangalkam: The Minister of Health for the decentralization of collection points


Giving blood to save lives should no longer be limited to Dakar or major cities. The Minister of Health and Social Action wants the collection points to be decentralized throughout the country. A statement made to Sangalkam during the blood donation ceremony organized by the mayor of the commune, Minister Oumar Guèye

The Minister of Health and Social Action has advocated for the decentralization of collection points blood donation. Abdoulaye Diouf Sarr made this appeal on July 7, 2018, in Sangalkam, on the occasion of the blood donation ceremony organized by the mayor of the commune, Minister Oumar Guèye. "From time to time, it is necessary to decentralize the activities of the collection points and return to the base. This is the strategy of the director of the National Blood Transfusion Center (Cnts). Today, we are all in a momentum of national solidarity to accompany him, "said Sarr. He also recalled the wish of the Head of State to see the Senegalese manifest their citizenship through the donation of blood.

To this end, the Minister said that it is appropriate to install "a national system Around the Cnts and the decentralized structures, so that the blood is always available for the patients who need it. The Mayor of Sangalkam, for his part, said that the holding of this event going in the direction of encouraging people to donate their blood is "a citizen act" and a response to the call of the Head of State , Macky Sall, addressed to all Senegalese. "To give blood is to save lives. That is why the Sangalkam commune, in relation with the sub-prefect of the district, has found it necessary to organize a blood donation operation, "said Oumar Guèye.

Abdoulaye Diouf Sarr magnified the gesture and expects the other mayors of Senegal to perpetuate this action. "Oumar Gueye today made Sangalkam the capital of blood donation. Senegal is composed of territories. The politicization of public policies is that it is in the territories that the stakes are found (…). I am convinced that the 557 mayors of Senegal will follow this train of territorial solidarity, even national, "he said. At the same time, the Minister of Health has invited companies to get involved in blood donation through their corporate social responsibility activities. At the end of this ceremony, 152 pockets of blood were collected by the CNT.

Maguette NDONG

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