As part of a partnership agreement signed in 2015 between the Association of Mayors of Senegal (Ams) and the Eiffage Group, the House of Local Elected Officials was completely rehabilitated in 2016. Two years after the end of the work , the new building was received yesterday, in the presence of the President of the Ams, Aliou Sall, and the CEO of Eiffage Senegal, Gérard Sénac.
Considered as one of the historic buildings of the Senegalese capital, the House local elected officials, plunged into a state of disrepair a few years ago, find a new face today. Thanks to a partnership agreement between the Association of Mayors of Senegal (Ams) and the group Eiffage Senegal, the rehabilitation of the building has been done since 2016. Two years after the completion of the works, the new building rehabilitated comes from to be received. For Eiffage Sénégal, which carried out the work consisting, among other things, in the redevelopment of the rooms, the partial demolition and reconstruction of the dividing wall, the resumption of the false ceiling, the resumption of painting and the repair of cracks. This is a way of contributing to the preservation of the historical heritage of Senegal's cities. It is also a question of being part of an approach of corporate social responsibility. This rehabilitation work was co-financed by the Ams and Eiffage Senegal.
According to the President of the Ams, this is the celebration of a partnership between the Eiffage Group and the Association of Mayors. Senegal. The House of Local Elected Officials, Aliou Sall said, is a testimony to the history of urbanization of "this beautiful city of Dakar". This is one of the buildings, he added, that make the identity of the Independence Square. According to him, the building is a bridge that "links" us with "our" history while "us" projecting towards the future. "She (the House of local elected officials) had lost much of its beauty because of the lack of maintenance and maintenance. Gérard Sénac, known as an activist of the restoration of historic buildings, was kind enough to respond to our request in 2016, bringing the expertise and a good part of the financial resources needed to rehabilitate this building, "said Mr. Sall, saluting the qualitative intervention of Eiffage Senegal. In the eyes of the President of the Ams, by choosing the house of the elected officials, this shows the anchoring of the company and its interrelations with the terroirs.
In recent years, Eiffage Senegal participates in the renovation of several historic buildings such as the Saint-Louis War Memorial, the renovation of the former President Léopold Sédar Senghor's House and the rehabilitation of the Senegalese Radio Broadcasting Company (Rts) in Saint-Louis. With the rehabilitation of the House of Local Elected Officials, the CEO of Eiffage Senegal believes that the message of the 50-50 partnership has gone well. "The link continues between different mayors of the communes of the departments of Senegal … This partnership is clear.
Each participates to the height of his means. I think the best achievement is sharing, "said Gérard Sénac. The latter did not fail to express its desire to work for the preservation of built heritage in Senegal. "Today, what we want is to be able to continue to protect this heritage," he said.
Ibrahima BA
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