The Sun – Ufr legal and political sciences of Ugb: Freezing of educational activities proposed


The assembly of the Ugb UFR of Legal and Political Sciences (SJP) suggested the freeze of all courses until October 2018. This, in order to resume a normal academic year under of the year 2018-2019.

Professor Mbissane Ngom, director of the UFR of Legal and Political Sciences (Sjp) of the Gaston Berger University (Ugb) of Saint-Louis, recalled the proposal of the assembly of this Ufr. The latter has suggested to the highest authorities of the Ugb the freezing of educational activities to resume, in October, a normal school year. This proposal follows the meeting of 28 June and "takes into account the delay, with the weeks of strike, following the unfortunate events of May 15, 2018 and also school holidays," he said. 19659002] Nevertheless, Ngom said that the freeze was not a blank year, as students pointed out. But, "we proposed it, because we are unable to carry out normally the 25 minimum weeks of courses planned for an academic year". To support his remarks, he traced the normal course of a school year. "For the 2017-2018 school year, we need to run until May 2019 to be in compliance," he said. This situation will generate, according to him, obvious inconveniences especially for new graduates. "In September 2018, we will be unable to welcome new students from high schools. And analysis done, we found it more normal to stop the courses to resume in October, "said Mbissane Ngom.

More conveniently, he informed that students in L1 (so bachelor in July 2017 ), had only 6 weeks of classes for 2017-2018. To make the comparison, the director of the UFR said that "their comrades in the private sector or abroad have completed a year, and in May 2019, at the moment when the students of the Ugb have finished the lessons of L1 their comrades will have finished their second year ". In addition, Pr Ngom said he was not in the absolute, saying that the UFR Sjp council will reverse its decision or affirm the opposite.

But, he insisted, in the current state, this solution of freezing must be considered by the assembly of the university which had asked them to think in this direction. In addition, the academic reminded that an academic year is not compressible, because there are requirements with 8 sessions of Td (Directed Work), including one per week, or 4 months of courses to make. [19659002TothismustbeaddedthetwoweeksnecessarytoorganizetheexaminationsandthecorrectionMoreoverMrSamboupointedoutthatteachersspendtoomuchtimecorrectingcopiesButheconfessedtheyare"seeinghowtoreducethistimeofcorrectionwhileknowingthatattheuniversitythenumberofteachersisinsufficient"

Amadou Maguette NDAW

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