The Sun – United Kingdom: Trump begins a visit in a controversial climate


AFP – Donald Trump arrived in the United Kingdom yesterday, greeted by the booing of protesters opposed to his arrival, and has already set foot in the dish criticizing Theresa May about Brexit.

Asked in Brussels after a NATO summit, the US president said he doubted that the proposals of the British Prime Minister on the future trade relationship with the EU, exposed yesterday, correspond to the vote of the British in favor leaving the EU.

"I do not know if that's what they voted for, people voted to break ties with the EU," said the US president. Theresa May replied by saying that the government's proposals "respond to the British vote".

Donald Trump's visit will focus in particular on trade links with London, which is eager to sign a free trade agreement with Washington after the Brexit scheduled for late March 2019.
Evoking a "special relationship with the states "Despite a series of snags since the billionaire came to power, Ms. May plans to" begin discussions "on how to shape" a strengthened, ambitious and sustainable trade partnership. "

United States ambassador to the United Kingdom, Woody Johnson, assured that Mr. Trump wanted "to conclude a bilateral agreement", and "quickly".
Another demonstration, this time hostile to the American president, gathered a few hundred people, in the evening, in front of Winfield House, residence of the United States ambassador in Regent's Park, in London, where

Donald Trump will spend his first night in the United Kingdom with his wife Melania

For more than an hour and a half, protesters made as much noise as possible to denounce Trump's migration, climate and climate policies. armament, equipped with pots, whistles, megaphones or rattles

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