The UGB in a confused situation


The situation is still confused at Gaston Berger University in Saint-Louis. For both teachers and students, opinions on the issue of validation of the academic year are shared.

For those responsible for Ufr / SJP (Legal and Political Sciences) and SAT (Applied Science in Technology) Training and Research Units, the professors have still not given a clear position on the wish of the academic authorities that asked them to continue the courses until the end of August, at the end of the university assembly held on Wednesday.

On the student side, the CESL (Coordination des étudiants de Saint-Louis) officials welcome the request of the university authorities, saying that they are very aware of the delay with this strike. The latter wish that measures be taken to enable them to make their examinations in the best conditions.

It must be emphasized, however, that even if the threat of a white or invalid year seems to be ruled out with this proposal from Ugbb's academic authorities, which consists in rearranging the calendar of courses and examinations to save the situation, the difficulties are still present in this university institution of Sanar, especially in the educational campus.

Indeed, many teachers had completed the hours of classes that were undue. Better still, a program for research leave had already been submitted for this end of the academic year. On another note, the students are in a very uncomfortable situation, to the extent that they have lagged behind in teaching and learning, but even worse, they risk being subjected to decisions that will not be favorable to them. report to the programming of the examinations.

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