The value of Ivory Coast bond issues estimated at $ 6.27 billion


Thus the country is positioned in sub-Saharan Africa as the one that has the most animated the bond market during the first half of 2018 within the Uemoa zone.

The Ivory Coast is positonne therefore in front of Africa South, where major bond issues reached the equivalent of $ 4.69 billion. Angola with 3 billion dollars and Nigeria with 2.5 billion dollars round the top 4 of this classification. In
final, the total value of bond issues from sub-Saharan Africa in the first six months of 2018 was $ 23.5 billion.

This is the level the highest for the first half since 2000. Of this total volume, the share of emissions made by governments is $ 20 billion. The bulk of these emissions have been made on the international market.

In terms of unique operations, Angola, despite its economic challenges, is the champion of the period.

With a still fragile economic situation and significant financing needs, Sub-Saharan Africa should continue to experience a record level in value, for bond issues in 2018. An acceleration of indebtedness especially at the level of the States, which is the subject of concerns of the part of the International Monetary Fund.

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