The verdict of the imam Ndao trial in exergue


Dakar, July 20 (APS) – Dailies sent to the APS on Friday deal in particular with the imam Alioune Ndao et Cie's terrorism trial, after which this Muslim preacher from Kaolack, a city in the center from Senegal, was acquitted Thursday by a court of Dakar.

"After holding breath in opinion for more than 2 years, the so-called imam Ndao case of terrorism has had its epilogue", Thursday, reports Survey. "With the verdict handed down by the Special Criminal Chamber of the High Court of Dakar, one is tempted to say that the case has deflated like a balloon," said the newspaper.

Imam Ndao, sentenced to one month suspended for illegal possession of weapon but acquitted of all other charges, after 32 months incarceration, Matar Diokhané, one of the main mis en cause, "takes 20 years of forced labor" , inquires Inquiry.

The newspaper also praises the "good work of judges of the criminal chamber and intelligence services" in this case involving several offenses including "criminal conspiracy in relation to a terrorist enterprise", "apology of terrorism", "money laundering", "possession of arms and ammunition without authorization".

Judge Samba Kane, for this "first trial for terrorism in Senegal", sentenced 13 of the 29 defendants, even though Imam Ndao was released, Libération said. The court also ordered the confiscation of the automatic weapon and the sum of 14,000 euros of the preacher, he adds.

"Imam of Kaolack laundered all charges related to terrorism, 13 convictions, 15 acquittals …", details Vox Populi, taking stock of the trial for 30 people in total.

"The carrots and sticks of the judge," Source A, while Tribune title: "The flop of investigators". "From alleged terrorism to prison terrorism," the paper reports. "All that for that?", He wonders, adding that "it would be good in the future to avoid humiliating men presumed innocent, especially religious (…)". [19659003]

Imam Ndao's sentence "appeases while concealing the brutality of a muscular arrest, the weaning of two hundred guards from their guide and the annihilation of the efforts of a man who, in place and place of an absent State, has invested to offer a Koranic school, a Franco-Arab college, an internship and land for agricultural production ", adds Tribune.

Imam Alioune Ndao "is not a terrorist" and therefore "finds his minbar", writes the newspaper Le Quotidien. "Ndao remains imam", displays South Daily in the same direction. "It is against the backdrop of a deep exaltation" that the support of Imam Ndao, "many came", welcomed the verdict of the Special Criminal Chamber of the High Court of Dakar, notes this newspaper. 19659003]

"Imam Alioune Ndao free as the air, the mountain gives birth to a mouse," displays The Daily Witness. He recalls that the religious of Kaolack "risked 30 years of forced labor" if the court had followed the indictment of the prosecutor.

"Justice collapses," said Walfquotidien, according to which the investigators of the Kaolack Gendarmerie Investigation Section, the source of the arrests in this case, are "disowned" with this verdict. [19659003]

The Observer reports enigmatic statements by Imam Aliou Ndao. "The future holds a lot of surprises," said Kaolack's preacher in a first reaction. "During three years of incarceration," he adds in remarks quoted by Vox Populi, "I was portrayed in the darkest features."

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