the World Bank will take inspiration from PND 2018-2022 to guide its actions


Newly assigned to Brazzaville as resident-representative of the World Bank to replace Djibrilla Adamou Issa, Korotoumou Ouattara was able to meet on Monday, July 16, 2018, the Congolese authorities. With these, the Ivorian economist spoke about the country's development issues, emphasizing investment in the fight against extreme poverty and the promotion of shared growth. Korotoumou Ouattara who suggested that the adoption of the new National Development Plan (NDP) 2018-2022 is "excellent" news, and for the Bank and the Congolese people, said that the new partnership framework of his institution with the Congo

Two strategic priorities of the Plan are of particular interest to the Bretton Woods institution. They concern the development of human capital through investments in health and education but also the process of diversification of the national economy including support to the private sector. "The PND defines the framework of the actions to be carried out by the government for the development of Congo. It is also these activities that the WB will support in its own framework of partnership that we will put in place " said Korotoumou Ouattara after an exchange with the Congolese Minister of Planning, Statistics and regional integration, Ingrid Ebouka-Babackas, with whom she also spoke of the great potential of cooperation between the Congolese State and the international financial institution. "We are here to support the Congolese people in their development process" insisted the new resident representative of the World Bank.

In her new position, the former researcher at the University of Ohio State (Columbus, USA) will have several challenges to overcome. In Congo, a country that has been experiencing an economic crisis for some time because of falling commodity prices, the World Bank has to respond to various demands. For social safety net projects, support for economic diversification (a necessary recommendation for economic recovery), budget support or macroeconomic and public sector reform, the institution is eagerly awaited.

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