Thierry Henry Belgian side, what do the Blues think


Two 1998 world champions face to face. The first Frenchman to lift the supreme trophy against the top scorer in the history of the Blues, became deputy in charge of Belgian attackers: the story was too good for the sports press and the superstitious do not seize this duel in top between Didier Deschamps and Thierry Henry.

Taupe, defector, double agent? As a creepy hysteria wins some French media not far from the semi-final France-Belgium, this Tuesday night. Extreme case, Gilles Verdez, famous columnist Hanounesque off-road, has seen fit to draw in the register "traitor homeland" on CNews this weekend:
"He should be withdrawn for this game.We are first French before being footballers. […] He will fight against France, Thierry Henry, after all that France gave him ? "

And all that France has nostalgic about the ball, to gloss for hours on the " revenge "by Thierry Henry, whose love affair with France would have faded one evening in November 2009, on a qualifying hand against Ireland, then at the bottom of a bus from Knysna, in June 2010, and Finally, during an enigmatic interview with Nicolas Sarkozy, by a back door of the Elysee, the return of the South African fiasco. Episodes so long rehearsed that, among the former teammates of Thierry Henry today present in Russia, only two guards remain, Hugo Lloris and Steve Mandanda …

France-Belgium: the match (of the valves) has already begun

The truth is moreover probably more prosaic. In France, "nothing was proposed to me, never", would have recently claimed Henry, according to "the Team". Moreover, we should not overestimate the role of "Titi" with the coach Roberto Martinez for almost two years. Faithful to its legendary discretion, the former glory of Arsenal refuses to speak on the subject, not wanting to put itself ahead of the rest of the staff of the "Red Devils". What does the triplet Lukaku-Hazard-De Bruyne, transfigured in Brazil in quarts, to the expertise of the tricolor? Hard to say. According to the Belgian trade press, Thierry Henry would be very active during games, especially on kicks set during the offensive phases.

In one of his rare interviews, in March 2017 on Canal +, he prefers to put forward his advice Psychological:

"Develop your brain, become a killer.When you're a match, do not just look at the ball, look at the movements of the players, quickly understand who is weak, who to attack, how to […] Killer Most important to me What makes the difference between a good player and a very big one is that the big guy is a killer. "

The best may still be d 'listen to what the Blues and the Red Devils think …

In the head to Dédé before France-Belgium: "Thierry Henry, a blue among the reds"

Cote Bleus

  • Didier Deschamps (coach of the Blues), on TF1 Sunday: "Yes it's weird because he is French and he is going to be on the bench of the opponent .. For him too I think it's going to be weird. to see him again – I am sure to see him again as he is not bad, we do not cross each other all the time, he is someone I really appreciate, there has always been a lot of respect between us. "
  • Noël Le Graët (president of the FFF), AFP Sunday: "It has been a little out of sight, he has little contact with the Federation.It is life that is like It's in England For a long time, I have very few contacts for me. […] He gave this team a desire to attack. The attackers come to see him. He is esteemed. He may have chosen the right solution, being an assistant, as Zidane did (before taking over Real Madrid) a few years ago. It is certainly better at first to be a deputy national team, even if he hoped Arsenal. He surely has a coaching career ahead of him. "
  • Hugo Lloris (goalkeeper and captain of the Blues):" I have the chance to have worked with him for two seasons in the French team. He's a huge player, a big man. It is true that it is particular to see him with the Belgian team, but it is in the context of his future, learning his future job. His heart will be shared tomorrow. Above all, he remains French, he had great moments with the jersey of the Blues, he is the record holder of goals scored, the second in number of capes team France. He marked the history of the Blues. Tomorrow, professionally, and as we know, with all the passion that drives him, he will be with the Belgians and give his best to help his team. "
  • Lucas Hernandez (defender of the Blues), in conference press release on Saturday: "All the French know him, we know very well that he was a very great player, an icon of football. […] Now he is the second coach of Belgium, I hope he will not beat us in half. "
  • Benjamin Pavard (defender of the Blues), in press conference Sunday:" It was a very great player, everyone knows him, all over the world. We will not be careful about this, we will focus on our match and the victory. "
  • Olivier Giroud (striker of the Blues), at a press conference Sunday:" It's weird to have against we. He is a living legend of French football, the top scorer. He brought a lot to the France team, we have a lot of respect for what he did. But we do not think much about it, we will be focused on the field and the game. He gives his advice quite specific and important to the Belgians. Of course I would have preferred him to be with us and give his advice to me and the other attackers, but do not be jealous, it does not shock me at all, it's normal in his career. Now, he is starting a new career, there are many coaches who are not of the same nationality as the team they coach. Maybe he'll coach the France team someday, maybe not. Today it's only a bonus to have the chance to rub shoulders with a team like Belgium, very talented, I'm sure he learns on a daily basis. "

The relationship between the two ex-players Arsenal, however, was not always a quiet river. Henry had doubted the ability of the Gunners to be champions with Giroud, early 2015, as a consultant on Sky Sports. He was more appreciative in February 2017 about RMC saying he "liked playing with him." "It's been several years since he made statements in the press before changing his remarks. There is a lot of mutual respect between us. He was doing a job where he had to be incisive … I have no resentment about that, "commented Giroud.

Nevertheless, the blue bearded could not help a little delayed tackle on the Belgian bearded man:

"My job is to be good on the field, to represent the best of the French team, to advance it, win, and of course I would be proud to be able to show Titi that he chose the wrong camp. "

Belgian side

  • Roberto Martinez Spanish coach of Belgium:" His impact is really very important. […] Thierry brought us an important element, the experience, his know-how in this tournament. He knows how the players feel in this situation, he knows the pressure to win these games. […] He brings us what a former elite footballer thinks. Then it's a coach, who by his dedication, his attention to details, tries to help any player on the team. It was the perfect piece that was missing from our technical staff. "
  • Kévin De Bruyne midfielder and playmaker from Belgium ( To the question" Do you think Thierry ] Henry will sing the French national anthem "): " I do not know, he did not tell me what he will do. Maybe he's going to sing La Marseillaise, which I think is normal. But after he did not say much about the France team. […] "For him, maybe it will be a bit difficult but he is now working for Belgium, he wants us to win." […] He brought us closer together, giving us more conviction that we could win Maybe before at the World Cup or Euros, some players did not feel this way at all "
  • Jean-Marie Pfaff former goalkeeper of Belgium, in a interview at the SID agency: " The coach works a lot in the field of the mind. […] From my point of view the presence of Thierry Henry in the 'team' of coaches is essential Martinez constantly exchanges with him, he is his man of confidence. […] I would even go so far as to say that the main opponent of France on Tuesday will sit on the Belgian bench. Thierry Henry plays an extremely important role with Martinez Martinez asks his opinion regularly, he hears I think that certain tactical variants are to the credit of Thierry Henry.

"Henry is now working for the Belgian Federation and will certainly do everything possible to reach the final with the team.For 90 minutes his heart will be only Belgian."


 Timothy Vilars

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