Thies: Sheep needs are estimated at 220,000


A regional development committee for the preparations for the Tabaski (2018 edition) was held this morning at Thies governance. Bringing together all the administrative authorities of the region (Mbour, Tivaouane and Thiès), law enforcement and all livestock stakeholders, the meeting allowed the managers of this sector to take stock of last year and to refine the guidelines for the campaign of Eid El Kebir of the year 2018. "Today, we took stock of the Tabaski of the year 2017 to prepare that of 2018. So, we maintained the same objectives, ie an estimate of 220,000 sheep heads. We have opted for this number, but as last year we can exceed the forecast because we had recorded 235,000 heads on a forecast of 220,000, "said the head of the regional service of livestock, Dr. Astou Fall. 19659002] According to the regional governor, Mr Amadou Sy, the local authorities will mainly focus on facilitating the various points that have been listed in the circular letter such as the easing of the control of trucks carrying sheep. exemption from duties and taxes, the authorization of the presence, on board each truck or wagon, of three (3) shepherds responsible for the surveillance of the animals transported etc. For their part, the breeders asked that the security be reinforced, the cleanliness maintained at the level of the foirails such Séwékhaye, Touba Toul etc and the feeds put at their disposal at the opportune moment …

Source: dakaractu [19659004] [ad_2]
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