Thiès: standing up against Auchan


Thiès, July 14 (APS) – The Union of traders and industrialists of Senegal (UNACOIS / Jappo) began Saturday by Thiès (west), a national tour of mobilization against the establishment of the French chain of stores Auchan across the country.

The delegation of leaders of this association, led by its president Idy Thiam, including members of the national network of money transfer service providers (RENAPTA) joined the local trade actors at the town hall of Thiès, for an exchange meeting.

The movement '' France dégage '', represented by its figurehead, retailers, wholesalers and other local actors had previously preceded the delegation in the mayor of Thiès.

Shouting for long moments slogans hostile to the French multinational supermarket. The protesters, some of whom were dressed in red T-shirts that read "Auchan dégage", then found themselves in a room for speaking out.

'' Retailers do not sell anything anymore. If this continues, we will return to the village to return to the field, "complained in a burst of applause, Papis Diaw, a young retailer representative of Thies, city in which Auchan has two supermarkets.

'' If we let Auchan grow (in Senegal) we will end up being its employees and carry bags. Whoever wants to kill our profession, we will have in front of him '', launched the president of UNACOIS / Jappo.

According to the current pace of development of this distribution chain augurs a monopoly situation almost identical to that imposed by Senegalese traders on sugar.

'' Auchan is developing at a wild pace and facing a multinational that cuts jobs and increases unemployment, there is no other strategy than to demand his departure '', on his side railed , Ousmane Sy Ndiaye, executive director of this group of Senegalese traders and manufacturers.

Moustapha Lô, another member of the Unacois group deplores the fact that companies want to control the entire production and distribution chain of the country after having got their hands on the water, the telephone, the port, the Highway, Sugar, Companies.

Thus pushing Serigne Diagne Dongo, evoked the idea of ​​an economic colonization after a political domination. '' Anyone who supports Auchan will be considered an enemy '' by traders, he warned.

Responding on behalf of importers and distributors, Leyti Sene denounced the "social dumping" for which he held Auchan responsible, arguing at the same time that in France, job losses were noted in areas where this multinational chain has established itself.

He did not fail to question the division in the ranks of the traders, which facilitated the implantation of foreigners who will eventually '' (them) eliminate one by one (and) destroy the farming and agriculture ''.

'' In 19 years, in France, Auchan has killed 100,000 jobs. In two (French) towns, one has no more traders, "said Guy Marius Sagna of" France Degage ", adding that" for a job created, the French company kills five others " .

"If the director of Auchan said he created 1,522 jobs in Senegal, we lost 7,500," he said. Fallou Samb coordinator of the Collective for the defense of the interests of the poultry sector of Senegal (CODIFAS) called for a boycott of the products of all the industries that collaborate with Auchan.

he pointed out to the industries that would think themselves immune to the effects of the firm that this multinational is not only there to sell, but also to produce,

This tour aims to cope with the '' difficulties '' and '' sufferings '' that the company is subject to traders, called to mobilize to face him, implied his initiators during this mobilization.

After the city of rail, the delegation will visit Diourbel, Kaolack, and Mbour, where an evaluation meeting is planned. It will then continue in other parts of the country before the "necessary conclusions" are drawn, Ndiaye said.


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