To live longer, drink coffee


Good news for coffee drinkers! According to a British study published last Monday in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine, consumers of arabica are 10 to 15% less likely to die early than those who do not drink. Works that come, once again, to reinforce the virtues of this drink on our health.

Decidedly this early summer rhymes with coffee! Last week, Maxisciences published an article on the positive role of caffeine on cardiovascular diseases and today, a study reveals that consumption of beverage would participate in longevity . The coffee maker and our espresso machine would they be sources of youth ? Explanations

Up to 8 cups of coffee a day

When you know that 400 billion cups of coffee are drunk every year in the world or 1684 per second it is better understood why numerous studies are being conducted on this "liquid gold". The one that interests us and whose results were published Monday in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine called upon nearly half a million British men and women aged 40 to 69 years old. They were followed for 10 years and were given regular medical check-ups and blood tests.

They were asked to answer questions including their daily consumption of coffee. Most of the participants were coffee drinkers. A third of them drank two to three cups a day and 10,000 volunteers noted that they drank at least 8 cups a day . The study does not specify whether the coffee was tasted black, with milk and / or with sugar. But all kinds of Arabica (instant, ground and even decaffeinated) have been taken into account. And the result is there: coffee drinkers were 10 to 15% less likely to die than those who do not drink

Righteous Drink

Accused of many evils, including to increase the blood pressure in some people, the drink is in the process of restoring its coat of arms. Recent research shows that coffee-consuming participants did not have a greater risk of dying from a cardiovascular disease or other cause related to a high blood pressure problem. that those who do not drink it

According to AP News if for the moment, all the reasons explaining the positive effects of coffee on the life span have not been established, Erikka Loftfield, the lead author of the study, is already making an explanation. " Coffee contains more than a thousand chemical components including antioxidants which play an important role in the protection of our cells ". Also a researcher for the National Cancer Institute in the United States, she adds that " efforts continue to explain its beneficial effects on longevity ". While waiting for new results, it's time to do a little coffee break … and without guilt!

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