
The famous play "Louansé" by no less famous artist Ousmane Sow was chosen by the organizers for the actor's second edition of the night. An edition that will take place from November 29th to December 1st. The information was given last Monday by Maïmouna Hélène Diarra, initiator of the event. It was during a launch press conference that took place at the Amadou Hampate Ba Culture Palace.

This same venue will host the conference-debate on Thursday, November 29, which will be moderated by the playwright Samba Niaré under the theme: "What is the place of the comedian in the peace process in Mali?". The Amadou Hampate Ba Culture Palace will also house the second show on Saturday, December 1st. As for the first performance, it will take place in the hall of Omnisports Stadium Modibo Keita.
This 2nd edition of the comedian's night is sponsored by the First Lady Mrs. Keïta Aminata Maïga and is supported by the Ministry of Culture.
To republish this play, most of the old comedians like Magma Gabriel Konate, Diarah Sanogo, Fanta Bérété, Safiatou Diakité, Moussa Fofana allias "Fasseri" will be supported by young talents.
The objective, explains the organizer, is to pay tribute to the actors who gave everything to the country, but also to ensure that, in general, this art can continue to take its place in the national construction, because as the French writer Molière said "To build a country, you have to start building a theater". Unfortunately, nowadays drama is losing steam in our country. The comedians are now limited to participate in skits awareness to earn a living. This activity keeps them away from the author's theater.
Thus, as in the first edition, trophies of recognition will be awarded to certain actors. Awards that will pay tribute to Balla Moussa Keita, Abdoulaye Maiga Maco, "Abdoulaye Diarra" and Pr Gaoussou Diawara. In addition, famous actors of the sub-region as Adama Dahico of Ivory Coast, Georgette Paré and Rasmané Ouédraogo of Burkina Faso are expected.
The play "Louansé", it should be remembered, highlights the problems of tenants in large cities. Written and directed in 1997 by Ousmane Sow, she had a great success with our compatriots. Unfortunately, the societal problems she highlights remain a burning issue.

Youssouf DOUMBIA

Source: Essor

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