Trade tensions lower world food prices in June (FAO)


World prices for staple foods fell in June, for the first time since early 2018, according to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), which attributes this decline to In June, FAO's food price index averaged 173.7 points, down 1.3% from its May level.

19659002] This decline is mainly due to lower price quotations for wheat, maize and vegetable oils, including those made from soybeans, FAO said in a statement.

Each month, FAO World Index measures price change for five staple foods in international markets, cereals, vegetable oils, milk, meat and sugar

In June, the cereals index fell by 3.7% over the month, despite pro adverse effects on major cereals, with "sharp declines" in wheat and maize prices, and an increase in rice.

The FAO Oil Price Index has fallen by 3% to its lowest level in 29 months. Palm oil, soybean and sunflower prices all fell.

Main reason: Trade tensions between the US and China rise with announcements and threats of tariff increases between the two countries, which strongly influenced US export prices, starting with soybeans, of which China is the first customer

The FAO milk index fell by 0.9%. Only the meat price index rose slightly in June, helped by an increase in prices for sheepmeat and pork, and that of sugar (+ 1.2%), but after six months of decline (19659009)! function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {
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