Trade unions and employers remain vigilant against the change of tone of Macron


Paris, July 17, 2018 – The eight main union and employer leaders, received Tuesday by Emmanuel Macron, welcomed a change of tone of the president, more willing according to them to give back a place to the social partners, but remained vigilant to the approach of a busy social year.

The leaders of the three employers' organizations (Medef, CPME and U2P) and the five representative trade union centers (CFDT, CGT, FO, CFE-CGC and CFTC) arrived shortly before 9:00 am at the Elysee Palace for a meeting which must last two hours.

The president receives for the first time the eight leaders together, after having seen them separately in May and October 2017. Some unions had, at the time, reproached him for changing speech according to the interlocutor.

This appointment must " lay the foundation for a new social contract, that of the century that begins ," announced the president before the Congress last week.

After a first year of quinquennate conducted drumming on the social field – ordinances reforming the labor code already in force, forthcoming adoption of the bill " professional future " -, Mr. Macron wants to make the point on the construction sites of the re-entry.

On the menu: the poverty plan, whose announcement was postponed to September officially to refine its content, unemployment insurance or pensions. " The President's priorities are the return to employment, the fight against poverty and precariousness, and health at work, but he wants to be attentive to the issues that the social partners wish to tackle ", according to the Elysée.

– On the lookout –

On unemployment insurance, the social partners will be on the lookout for clarifications from the president, who asked them to start in September a new renegotiation of the labor market rules. regime, the third since early 2017.

Trade unions and employers are again invited to find solutions to fight against short contracts and encourage the return to employment. In addition to these two recurring themes, the government hopes that they will consider a new allowance for the long-term unemployed, who now benefit, when they reach the end of their entitlements, from a state allowance (SSA). ).

This announcement has been welcomed by the social partners.

" It is necessary to ask the question of who should hold the levers ", reacted François Asselin, CPME. " We must not give ourselves the finality even before we negotiate " otherwise " it will be without us " warned Laurent Berger (CFDT).

– " Listen a little more " –

The social partners also plan to take advantage of this meeting to defend their role in the face of a power that they believe is misguided.

Pascal Pavageau (FO) hopes that there will be, after this meeting, " one after (…) radically different in terms of method ". The same tone on the side of Mr. Asselin (CPME), which states that " we need intermediate bodies to accept the reforms to the greatest number ".

Barely elected at the head of the Medef, Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux criticized, too, the Macron method: " We can see that there is a problem of speed.This government goes very fast, offers a lot "This Tuesday's meeting will be his first official meeting with Emmanuel Macron as President of the Medef.

Laurent Berger, meanwhile, sends a message to Mr. Macron: " I will tell him too often you want to go alone and it is not good (…) for the quality of desired reforms + "

On the side of the CGT, Philippe Martinez expects the head of state" that he changed his social policy "and" that he speaks of power to purchase, increase of wages, increase of retirement pensions "

The eight union and employer leaders were unheard of last week. a role felt of " stooges " of the government by setting a social agenda independent of the calendar imposed by the executive.They must meet again in September

Tuesday afternoon, Emmanuel Macron will receive a hundred bosses, including those of the main French groups, to ask them to take " immediate commitments, visible, job creation and hiring apprentices ", especially in difficult neighborhoods.

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